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You never know... That's what makes life interesting

You never know... That's what makes life interesting Picture Quote #1

You never know... That's what makes life interesting

James Clavell, the renowned author of epic historical novels such as "Shogun" and "Tai-Pan", often explored the theme of unpredictability in life. In his works, Clavell delved into the complexities of human nature and the ever-changing nature of fate. One of the recurring themes in his novels is the idea that "you never know... That's what makes life interesting."

Clavell's characters often find themselves in situations where they must navigate through uncertain and unpredictable circumstances. Whether it be political intrigue in feudal Japan or the cutthroat world of Hong Kong business, Clavell's characters are constantly faced with challenges that they never saw coming. This element of surprise adds a layer of excitement and tension to his stories, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they follow the characters' journeys.
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