Young People Quotes

Text Quotes
Eating disorders, body dysmorphia and a general dissatisfaction with one’s life and body seems to ail too many young people (Young People Quotes)
Just as young people absorb all kinds of messages from the media, young girls learn what it means to be a woman by watching the older women in their lives (Young People Quotes)
Young people need their own private places which mothers don’t belong to, even if they want mother all around the edge of that (Young People Quotes)
I think a lot of young people don’t realize the price of fame is a lot higher than they imagine (Young People Quotes)
I always try to be a trend setter. That’s what I always tell young people when I’m giving them advice. To go with their heart and don’t follow the trends (Young People Quotes)
If you young people who today belong to the first generation of the 21st century make an effort now, you may be able to create a happier, more peaceful world. But you can’t take for granted that it will happen by itself, you’ll need to take action (Young People Quotes)
Young people, you need the wisdom of age, just as some of us older ones need your enthusiasm for life (Young People Quotes)
Every day online, people, especially young people who are not developmentally equipped to handle this, are so abused and humiliated that they can’t imagine living to the next day, and some tragically don’t. And there’s nothing virtual about that (Young People Quotes)
The need for comprehensive reform must not blind us to the urgency of addressing the massive debt that’s already crushing our young people (Young People Quotes)
I’m a parent. I think we’re responsible for the problems that young people have. I believe that. I don’t blame them for any of it. I blame us for what we haven’t done as mothers and fathers, not sticking together as a unit (Young People Quotes)
The photograph of my brother that is in this album shows a young man, beautiful and perfect in the way of young people, for young people are always perfect and beautiful until they are not, until the moment they just are not (Young People Quotes)
Legacy media accuses young people of being apathetic while actively attempting to remove them from the discussion (Young People Quotes)
Where there is peace, there is sports; where there is sports, there is peace. Peace is what allows us, especially young people, to dream, go after ones goals and prepare you for the next challenge in life (Young People Quotes)
I get emotional when young people get nostalgic about my work. That’s why it’s called nostalgia. Sometimes I even cry (Young People Quotes)
I believe in helping young people rock causes they care about because I was one of those young people... a long time ago (Young People Quotes)
Young people should investigate where the filmmaker stands on the issue of file sharing, before they spend money on them at all (Young People Quotes)
Passion is a young man’s game. Young people can be passionate. Older people gotta be more wise (Young People Quotes)
I think the hard thing for young comedians is that the majority of the young people in the audience out there don’t have the wide range of references (Young People Quotes)
I know nothing more important to inculcate into the minds of young people than the wisdom, the honor, and the blessed comfort of living within their income (Young People Quotes)
What do people have against convicts? Is living together in the pen of freedom, where young people engage in mutual psychology, any more beautiful? (Young People Quotes)
What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured (Young People Quotes)
Boy lovers and the lesbians who have young lovers... are not child molesters. The child abusers are priests, teachers, therapists, cops and parents who force their staid morality onto the young people in their custody (Young People Quotes)
At a stage when young people want more than anything to be like everyone else, they find themselves the least alike. Everyone their age is growing and changing, but each at his or her own pace (Young People Quotes)
Critics have told me I’ve ruined the lives of 50 million young people. I can’t be certain of this, since only about 10 million have ever come back to thank me (Young People Quotes)
The biggest dilemma in education today is the differing visions of what an educated person means. To do well on tests is often more important than helping young people really be prepared to deal with the tests of life (Young People Quotes)
Do not shut up the young people against their will in a pew, and force the children to ask them questions for an hour against their will (Young People Quotes)
Young people: I understand this is important to you, but as you be thinking about climate change, the economy and jobs, war and peace, maybe way at the bottom you should be thinking about marijuana (Young People Quotes)
It was young people who stubbornly insisted on justice, stubbornly refused to accept the world as it is that transformed not just the country but transformed the world (Young People Quotes)
I have no illusions about being a genius musician. I pride myself on being a soldier, a warrior for jazz. I trained a lot of young people, and I’ve learned my lessons well. I’d like to keep the flame burning (Young People Quotes)
I think a lot of young people have incredible ideas and incredible insights, but sometimes they wait before they go give their life to something. What I did was just to start a little earlier (Young People Quotes)