Your Conscious Quotes

Text Quotes
You shall always find what you created in your mind, for instance, a benevolent God or an evil Devil. Between them are countless facets. Therefore, concentrate on the depth of your consciousness and on what you consider to be positive and good (Your Conscious Quotes)
Be afraid of nothing. Hating none, giving love to all, feeling the love of God, seeing His presence in everyone, and having but one desire - for His constant presence in the temple of your consciousness - that is the way to live in this world (Your Conscious Quotes)
It is wrong to bear children out of need, wrong to use a child to alleviate loneliness, wrong to provide purpose in life by reproducing another copy of oneself. It is wrong also to seek immortality by spewing one’s germ into the future as though sperm contains your consciousness! (Your Conscious Quotes)
God cannot be found outside you, because there is no God who can ever be outside you. God is the ultimate fragrance of your consciousness. When your consciousness opens like a lotus, the fragrance that is released is God - better to call it godliness (Your Conscious Quotes)
You ever go up to the tee and say, ‘Don’t hit it left, don’t hit it right’? That’s your conscious mind. My body knows how to play golf. I’ve trained it to do that. It’s just a matter of keeping my conscious mind out of it (Your Conscious Quotes)
Drawing is like studying Greek and piano- you can’t speak or play in your conscious, which is clumsy. You must get it into your subconscious, which is graceful. But that takes time (Your Conscious Quotes)
Just what is meant by ‘your word?’ It means your conscious intention, your conscious direction, your conscious faith and acceptance that, because of what you are doing, the Power of Spirit will flow through your word in the direction you give It (Your Conscious Quotes)
Constantly practice the habit of inwardly gazing upon God. You know that something inside your heart sees God. Even when you are compelled to withdraw your conscious attention in order to engage in earthly affairs, there is within you a secret communion always going on (Your Conscious Quotes)
The conscious mind is the editor, and the subconscious mind is the writer. And the joy of writing, when you’re writing from your subconscious, is beautiful - it’s thrilling. When you’re editing, which is your conscious mind, it’s like torture (Your Conscious Quotes)
To me, living in the present means being aware of your conscious choice to focus on the past, present or future - it is not necessarily having to focus on the present. (Your Conscious Quotes)
Just keep your conscious mind busy with expectation of the best (Your Conscious Quotes)
At times your unconsciousness is truer than your conscious mind (Your Conscious Quotes)
Reality is where your consciousness is located (Your Conscious Quotes)
Life is a metaphor for what’s happening in your consciousness (Your Conscious Quotes)
Time and space are just projections of your consciousness (Your Conscious Quotes)
Relax your mind and ease your conscious (Your Conscious Quotes)
You can make really effective changes when your consciousness is free of emotional turmoil (Your Conscious Quotes)
You need to create pathways in your consciousness through which the creative forces operate (Your Conscious Quotes)
Merge your consciousness with that of a luminous being... and then from there to eternity (Your Conscious Quotes)
Widen your consciousness to the dimension of the earth and you will have a place for everything (Your Conscious Quotes)
Gratitude is the most fruitful way of deepening your consciousness that you are a divine choice (Your Conscious Quotes)
Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness (Your Conscious Quotes)
Take complete control over the messages you allow into your conscious mind (Your Conscious Quotes)
You govern your surroundings by the nature of what is taking place in your consciousness (Your Conscious Quotes)
When you truly desire change, your conscious mind chooses the positive, new action (Your Conscious Quotes)
All your life an unattainable ecstasy has hovered just beyond the grasp of your consciousness (Your Conscious Quotes)
That which you call your soul or spirit is your consciousness, and that which you call 'free will' is your mind's freedom to think or not, the only will you have, your only freedom, the choice that controls all the choices you make and determines your life and your character (Your Conscious Quotes)
If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness (Your Conscious Quotes)
If you listen to a lot of music, it gradually seeps into your consciousness or your unconsciousness and comes out in your music (Your Conscious Quotes)
Only when your consciousness is totally focused on the moment you are in can you receive whatever gift, lesson, or delight that moment has to offer (Your Conscious Quotes)