Your Heart Quotes

Text Quotes
There aren’t many things as therapeutic as smiles and laughter. Whenever you look at things in a lighter vein, it shows that your heart is in the right place (Your Heart Quotes)
The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal (Your Heart Quotes)
I don’t write songs about a specific, elusive thing. I write about love, and everyone knows what it is like to have your heart broken (Your Heart Quotes)
There is a wonderful place where flowers grow in colors beyond the words of poets... trees sing with the songs of butterflies. And mythical tigresses look at you with fiery golden eyes... open your heart and feel the colors of magic blooming inside you (Your Heart Quotes)
Music is powerful. It is the only thing that can speak into your mind, your heart and your soul without your permission (Your Heart Quotes)
It must be emphasized that as a father, you are always teaching. For good or ill your family learns your ways, your beliefs, your heart, your ideas, your concerns. Your children may or may not choose to follow you, but the example you give is the greatest light you hold before your children, and you are accountable for that light (Your Heart Quotes)
Because that which was new was almost always temporary. And that which was temporary broke your heart (Your Heart Quotes)
Patriotism to your country is something that comes from your heart. It should be taught to you by your parents (Your Heart Quotes)
I feel like every time I walk into the audition room, they can tell if you’re faking it and if your heart’s really not with it. So I try to keep it as real as possible (Your Heart Quotes)
You cannot know if you will be successful or not. You can only prepare for battle and it must be done with all of your heart and with all of your consciousness. In that manner, you will have an edge (Your Heart Quotes)
In the silence of a midwinter dusk, there is a sound so faint that for all you can tell it may be only the sound of the silence itself. You hold your breath to listen. You are aware of the beating of your heart. The extraordinary thing that is about to happen is matched only by the extraordinary moment just before it happens. Advent is the name of that moment (Your Heart Quotes)
No amount of trying to inhale one more shred of inspiration is going to make it any easier to put your heart and soul out there (Your Heart Quotes)
When, from the depths of your heart, you spontaneously wish all beings to find true, lasting happiness, this is great love (Your Heart Quotes)
I am young in my energy because I really still believe that we can share who we are, and we can wipe off on each other. I see this huge tapestry when we’re born, and this red blob that’s your soul or your heart (Your Heart Quotes)
The world is full of what seem like intractable problems. Often we let that paralyze us. Instead, let is spur you to action. There are some people in the world that we can’t help, but there are so many more that we can. So when you see a mother and her children suffering in another part of the world, don’t look away. Look right at them. Let them break your heart, then let your empathy and your talents help you make a difference in the lives of others. Whether you volunteer every week or just a few times a year, your time and unique skills are invaluable (Your Heart Quotes)
Continue to make the demands of the day your immediate concern, and take occasion to test the purity of your hearts and the steadfastness of your spirits. When you then take a deep breath and rise above the cares of this world and in an hour of leisure, you will surely win the proper frame of mind to face devoutly what is above us, with reverence, seeing in all events the manifestation of a higher guidance (Your Heart Quotes)
To concentrate implies bringing all your energy to focus on a certain point; but thought wanders away... Whereas attention has no control, no concentration. It is complete attention, which means giving all your energy, the energy of the brain, your heart, everything, to attending (Your Heart Quotes)
Determination means to use every challenge you meet as an opportunity to open your heart and soften, determined to not withdraw (Your Heart Quotes)
What could be more interesting, or in the end, more ecstatic, than in those rare moments when you see another person look at something you’ve made, and realize that they got it exactly, that your heart jumped to their heart with nothing in between (Your Heart Quotes)
When you meditate, go into the solitude of a forest, or a quiet corner, and enter into the chamber of your heart. And always keep your power of discrimination awake (Your Heart Quotes)
In the rush of daily living it’s easy to forget all the remarkable people, real or fictional, who have been a part of your life. But if you just imagine they are near for a moment, you will realize that anyone who ever touched your heart is always with you, patiently waiting to emanate warmth and support whenever you remember to think of them (Your Heart Quotes)
I think your heart needs to be broken, and broken open, at least once to have a heart at all or to have a heart for others (Your Heart Quotes)
Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well worn path (Your Heart Quotes)
You venture into the unknown land because that is where your heart will take you. In the end, it is not what you want to do, it is something you have to do (Your Heart Quotes)
The practice of medicine is an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business; a calling in which your heart will be exercised equally with your head (Your Heart Quotes)
Can you go a whole day with joy in your heart? Joy and vitality are an inseparable combination. Joy is not concerned with having fun; it is an inner spiritual quality that overcomes despair, pain and defeat. You cannot turn on joy like an electric light, but you can prepare yourself to receive it (Your Heart Quotes)
It is time for you to make a commitment to create joy, creativity and love for yourself, only then will you benefit others, for if you do not evolve yourself, you do not serve others. By becoming a living example, by following what is in your heart, you show the way for others to follow with courage, what is in their hearts (Your Heart Quotes)
Don’t be afraid to experiement with your life and with your heart, your meditation and your being. Just love (Your Heart Quotes)
I think enlightenment is something that you decide to do after you have met someone who is enlightened. Something touches your heart, your being at a very deep level (Your Heart Quotes)
You can’t go through life without your heart being bruised or broken. Otherwise, you’re not truly, fully, a person (Your Heart Quotes)