Your kind has a supersitious terror of things ugly and broken; you gear that their condition may somehow infect you

Your kind has a supersitious terror of things ugly and broken; you gear that their condition may somehow infect you
Clive Barker, the renowned horror writer and filmmaker, is known for delving into the darker aspects of human nature and exploring the depths of fear and terror. In many of his works, Barker explores the concept of fear of the unknown and the grotesque, often challenging societal norms and conventions. One recurring theme in Barker's work is the fear of things that are ugly and broken, and the idea that their condition may somehow infect or corrupt those who come into contact with them.Barker's exploration of this theme can be seen in his novel "Cabal," which tells the story of a man named Boone who discovers a hidden society of monsters living beneath the surface of the earth. These creatures, known as the Nightbreed, are grotesque and deformed, and are feared and hunted by humans who see them as abominations. The humans in the story are repulsed by the Nightbreed, viewing them as a threat to their own safety and well-being. This fear of the ugly and broken is a central theme in the novel, as it explores the idea that society's prejudices and superstitions can lead to violence and persecution.