Your Mind Quotes

Text Quotes
It wasn’t that I hated being asked a bunch of questions. I had nothing against questions. I just didn’t like listening to them, because some questions take forever to make sense. Sometimes waiting for a question to finish is like watching someone draw an elephant starting with the tail first. As soon as you see the tail your mind wanders all over the place and you think of a million other animals that also have tails until you don’t care about the elephant because it’s only one thing when you’ve been thinking about a million others (Your Mind Quotes)
Longing for something that you once had is a mistake because the pictures in your mind are never the same as whatever it is you are longing for (Your Mind Quotes)
After that, the book will fade, the way all books fade in your mind. But I hope you will remember this: A man walking fast down a dark lonely street. Quick steps and hard breathing, all wonder and need. A bell above a door and the tinkle it makes. A clerk and a ladder and warm golden light, and then: the right book exactly, at exactly the right time (Your Mind Quotes)
We’re all born with the greatest treasures we’ll ever have in life. One of those treasures is your mind, another is your heart (Your Mind Quotes)
It is impossible that a town will not play a part in your life, it does not even make much difference whether you have more good or bad things to say of it, it draws your mind to it, by a mental law of gravitation (Your Mind Quotes)
Now and then in life, love catches you unawares, illuminating the dark corners of your mind, and filling them with radiance. Once in awhile you are faced with a beauty and a joy that takes your soul, all unprepared, by assault (Your Mind Quotes)
The first thing to remember is the dual nature of your mind. The subconscious mind is constantly amenable to the power of suggestion; furthermore the subconscious mind has complete control of the functions, conditions, and sensations of your body. Trust the subconscious mind to heal you. It made your body, and it knows all of its processes and functions. It knows much more than your conscious mind about healing and restoring you to perfect balance (Your Mind Quotes)
I want to whisper poetry into your mind and imprint love letters to your soul and dance with you in an empty white room of potential (Your Mind Quotes)
Have you ever been homesick for someplace that doesn’t actually exist anymore? Someplace that exists only in your mind? (Your Mind Quotes)
It seems to me that the moralist is the most useless and contemptible of creatures. He is useless in that he would expend his energies upon making judgments rather than upon gaining knowledge, for the reason that judgment is easy and knowledge is difficult. He is contemptible in that his judgments reflect a vision of himself which in his ignorance and pride he would impose upon the world. I implore you, do not become a moralist; you will destroy your art and your mind (Your Mind Quotes)
Your mind creates everything. Your conscious mind has much greater power than you can ever imagine. Your mind can create blessings or disasters, can heal or harm, can bring abundance or absence. It is up to your mind whether the world looks hopeful or hopeless (Your Mind Quotes)
If you don’t think you can do it, who will? You control the most important tool in success, your mind (Your Mind Quotes)
No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team (Your Mind Quotes)
I could tell you that when you have trouble making up your mind about something, tell yourself you’ll settle it by flipping a coin. But don’t go by how the coin flips; go by your emotional reaction to the coin flip. Are you happy or sad it came up heads or tails? (Your Mind Quotes)
Love and respect woman. Look to her not only for comfort, but for strength and inspiration and the doubling of your intellectual and moral powers. Blot out from your mind any idea of superiority; you have none (Your Mind Quotes)
Karma is not something complicated or philosophical. Karma means watching your body, watching your mouth, and watching your mind. Trying to keep these three doors as pure as possible is the practice of karma (Your Mind Quotes)
Believe you can do it. Believing something can be done puts your mind to work for you and helps you find ways to do it (Your Mind Quotes)
Move your joints every day. You have to find your own tricks. Bury your mind deep in your heart, and watch the body move by itself (Your Mind Quotes)
Love yourself. Respect yourself. Never sell yourself short. Believe in yourself regardless of what people think. You can accomplish anything, absolutely anything, if you set your mind to it (Your Mind Quotes)
Don’t worry about being worried. You’re heading out on an adventure and you can always change your mind along the way and try something else (Your Mind Quotes)
Hang on the walls of your mind the memory of your successes. Take counsel of your strength, not your weakness. Think of the good jobs you have done. Think of the times when you rose above your average level of performance and carried out an idea or a dream or a desire for which you had deeply longed. Hang these pictures on the walls of your mind and look at them as you travel the roadway of life (Your Mind Quotes)
I found that I could find the energy... that I could find the determination to keep on going. I learned that your mind can amaze your body, if you just keep telling yourself, I can do it... I can do it... I can do it! (Your Mind Quotes)
Your small goals are clear and you understand the actions and know the path you need to take to reach these goals. In your mind, they’re achievable and you know it’s just a matter of time (Your Mind Quotes)
To create you must quiet your mind. You need a quiet mind so that ideas will have a chance of connecting (Your Mind Quotes)
What is the next thing you need for leadership? It is the ability to make up your mind to make a decision and accept full responsibility for that decision (Your Mind Quotes)
In most sports they have a physical effect on your performance, in swimming only psychological. If you worry about what your rival is doing, you take your mind off what you are doing and so fail to concentrate on your performance (Your Mind Quotes)
Erase from your mind that your preparation must be perfect. Hard work dedication = a shot at your dreams. Keep believing (Your Mind Quotes)
Nothing goes to waste on the journey of life. Both good and bad experiences shape your mind and heart for what is to come (Your Mind Quotes)
Plant the seed of positivity into your mind, nourish it daily with love and happiness will flower, as fear begins to die (Your Mind Quotes)
There is one statement I want you to keep after you are finished with this book. It is more of a mantra, really. Nonetheless, let it crawl across your mind any time you feel you have been backed into a corner spiritually. It is very simple: Live your life, no matter what life is. Take that with you. Live your life. No matter what that life is (Your Mind Quotes)