Your Own Self Quotes
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Text Quotes
I think it’s important to have your own individual style and sense of self. It’s kind of what I do. (Your Own Self Quotes)
Don’t worry so much about your self-esteem. Worry more about your character. Integrity is its own reward (Your Own Self Quotes)
Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world (Your Own Self Quotes)
It was psychobabbler Abraham Maslow who wrote of the phenomena of self-actualization. What Maslow failed to grasp is that reaching true self-actualization can only be ultimately achieved when you have your own brand of ammunition (Your Own Self Quotes)
If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself, if you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation (Your Own Self Quotes)
It’s important to recognize your own self-destructive behavior and be honest about it. You’re only hurting yourself or losing out on your truth and happiness. I’m not afraid to face my own personal stuff. It’s so important to dig it up and figure it out and move on (Your Own Self Quotes)
When you start to build self-worth and redeem your magnificence, the fears go away... you void your fears via your realization of your own self-worth (Your Own Self Quotes)
It’s a career that’s enticing because you go on stage, for example, and people clap. You get that affirmation, but you can’t go into acting for that because it’s really your own self-belief that’s going to get you through (Your Own Self Quotes)
You are complete. Completion has taken place in you eons ago. Accept yourself. Enjoy yourself. This time will never be again, so fulfill the moment with your own self-joy (Your Own Self Quotes)
Buddhism suggests there are no elect. Everything rests upon your own self-effort, which is the good news because that means you don’t have to wait around for some nebulous God to help you (Your Own Self Quotes)
All you got in life is your honor, man, your own self-image, your own self-respect. If you lose that, or if you give it away or if you sell it, then you ain’t got it no more (Your Own Self Quotes)
Happiness, I think, has to come in the beginning, truly, from feeling a sense of well-being within yourself. To me it’s that incredible sense of belonging and peace within your own self and heart that really is joy (Your Own Self Quotes)
You can’t play everything you learn, anyway. You just try to bring it all on-board and use what’s useful. In the end, it’s your job to own the role and, in the end, you are playing certain aspects of your own self, even (Your Own Self Quotes)
Well for me, courage means having the courage to walk off the edge of what is known, with complete faith that you’re not going to go crashing to the bottom. Stepping outside of your own self-perceived boundaries and limitations (Your Own Self Quotes)
Be your own leader, be your own self, step out of my shadows and be your own person (Your Own Self Quotes)
It’s so easy to get caught up in your own self-doubt when you’re writing. It can be so easy to tell yourself, Who am I kidding? (Your Own Self Quotes)
If you emote in your performances, people feel connected to you as an emotional person, because that’s how we communicate. That doesn’t mean people know you. At a certain point, I think you have to just be your own self. (Your Own Self Quotes)
All you may know of heaven or hell is within your own self (Your Own Self Quotes)
I am your own self and the self of all beings that exist (Your Own Self Quotes)
Surrender to your own self, of which everything is an expression (Your Own Self Quotes)
Trust in your own self more than in all else (Your Own Self Quotes)
Treat all as your own self. Do not have a double standard (Your Own Self Quotes)
Can’t get away from your own self (Your Own Self Quotes)
When you're too drunk to be in your own selfie (Your Own Self Quotes)
Don’t forget your own self while preaching to others (Your Own Self Quotes)
There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self (Your Own Self Quotes)
Love places someone else in the centre of your being and your own self is blurred (Your Own Self Quotes)
You have mourned over others; now sit down for a while and weep over your own self (Your Own Self Quotes)
Listen to your own self. If you listen to that self within, then you find the truth (Your Own Self Quotes)
Being cool is being your own self, not doing something that someone else is telling you to do (Your Own Self Quotes)
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