Your Side Quotes

Text Quotes
Jargon is the verbal sleight of hand that makes the old hat seem newly fashionable; it gives an air of novelty and specious profundity to ideas that, if stated directly, would seem superficial, stale, frivolous, or false. The line between serious and spurious scholarship is an easy one to blur, with jargon on your side (Your Side Quotes)
A man who is right by your side through everything makes you happy. But he can leave your side to make dinner once in a while! (Your Side Quotes)
One thing I’ve learned through all the ups and downs is that if you’re doing things right, then you have a core group of people. Not just a core group like your homies or your buddies, but a group of people that has a good influence on you, who you respect and admire, and you know that if they’re on your side, you’re doing something right (Your Side Quotes)
When a man sees you are happy with him but you can be just as happy having nothing to do with him, that’s when he won’t want to leave your side. When you are happy, you are sexy (Your Side Quotes)
Thinking about dark and troublesome things, wondering when they’ll come to pay you a visit, turns out to be the very best way to call them to your side (Your Side Quotes)
Most of all, I want you to know without a doubt that I’ve got your back. And your front. And your sides. I’ve got all of you and I’m not letting go (Your Side Quotes)
The hardest part of your journey to success will be telling people your crazy dreams and ideas. But I’ve found as soon as you say your dreams aloud, many people will come to your side and help guide your journey in the right direction. During my 30 year journey with my disease I have discovered that you will always be surrounded by help, support and light if you stay positive in spite of hardships (Your Side Quotes)
Having the person that you love by your side and starting a family with them is the best thing that can happen to you in this life. You can’t ask for more (Your Side Quotes)
If you can make someone laugh who’s dead set against you, that’s the first step to winning them over to your side (Your Side Quotes)
At some point you have to stop acting as though life is happening to you and acknowledge the ways you are happening to it. Once you take responsibility for your side of the street, you grant yourself the power to improve every aspect of your life by simply acting and behaving differently (Your Side Quotes)
Bring the viewer to your side, include him in your thought. He is not a bystander. You have the power to increase his perceptions and conceptions (Your Side Quotes)
It’s common platitude that knowledge is neutral but every now and then it would be useful if it was on your side and not theirs (Your Side Quotes)
In a political fight, when you’ve got nothing in favour of your side, start a row in the opposition camp (Your Side Quotes)
Remember then that there is only one important time, and that time is now. The most important one is always the one you are with. And the most important thing is to do good for the one who is standing at your side. This is why we are here (Your Side Quotes)
There are three sides to every story: my side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently (Your Side Quotes)
You do not need to belong to the cat for a long time to realize the main thing that cats like to do is to wrap theirselves up in mystery, perhaps only except for a hobby of jumbling up everything that is in order. And if the cat can, and usually so, make a great mystery of where it was when you were searching for it even if a moment ago it was sitting by your side, do not have any doubts: its ancestors had a great pleasure to surround its origin by mystery (Your Side Quotes)
We each deal with childhood in different ways. That brothers and sisters can take the same lump of clay that is childhood and use it to shape themselves into unique human beings is a miracle in itself. Despite individual struggles, triumphs, joys and disappointments, someone is made of the same stuff and has been at your side, whether figuratively or literally, from the beginning. Use our brother and sister quote collection to explore this truth and gain compassionate understanding for yourself and your siblings (Your Side Quotes)
Love isn’t only love, sweetheart. It’s hard work, and trust, and tears, with even a few glimpses of devastation. But at the end of each day, if you can still look at the person at your side and can’t imagine anyone else you’d rather have there, the pain and heartache and the ups and downs of love are worth it (Your Side Quotes)
Now it is you who everyone presumes is so fragile. Wounded. Scarred. Maybe they’re right. Perhaps you are. A nursery rhyme comes into your head, and, like an egg, you allow yourself to topple onto your side, your legs still pulled hard against your torso. You lie like that a long while, watching the chrome shell of the tape measure sparkle until the sun moves (Your Side Quotes)
I give you my promise to be by your side forevermore. I promise to love, to honor, and to listen as you tell me your thoughts, your hopes, your fears and your dreams. I promise to love you deeply and truly because it is your heart that moves me, your head that challenges me, your humor that delights me and your hands I wish to hold until the end of my days (Your Side Quotes)
When I teach writing, I always tell my students you should assume that the audience you’re writing for is smarter than you. You can’t write if you don’t think they’re on your side, because then you start to yell at them or preach down to them (Your Side Quotes)
For me, soldiers are all equal. Those black people wore your same uniform, fought on your side, and so you will be in the same jail (Your Side Quotes)
Sometimes the person that excites you most isn’t necessarily going to make the best husband or wife. It takes a lot to see past the glamor and glitter when you’re looking to get married and look for someone who’s going to be a loving companion that will stand by your side no matter what and better you while also seeking to be bettered by you (Your Side Quotes)
The wedding vows are a license to be a complete jerk, with full knowledge that the person you married has agreed, no matter how large a horse’s ass you are, to stay by your side until death. A fool could tell you this is a bad deal (Your Side Quotes)
Good editorial writing has less to do with winning an argument, since the other side is mostly not listening, than with telling the guys on your side how they ought to sound when they’re arguing (Your Side Quotes)
Of course you got rights, the law’s on your side, but sometimes the law takes a long time to kick in and so it gets put in the hands of us poor suckers on duty. You get my drift? (Your Side Quotes)
In all of our days our lives are always changing, tears come along as well as smiles... May you have rainbows after every storm, may you have hopes to keep you warm. And may you always have an angel by your side (Your Side Quotes)
It’s amazing how you don’t realize just how alone and scared you were until you have someone by your side to support you (Your Side Quotes)
If you can once engage people’s pride, love, pity, ambition on your side, you need not fear what their reason can do against you (Your Side Quotes)
When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, holler (Your Side Quotes)