You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind

You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind
Timothy Leary, a psychologist and writer known for his advocacy of psychedelic drugs and exploration of consciousness, famously said, "You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind." This quote encapsulates Leary's belief in the importance of constantly evolving and challenging one's beliefs and perspectives.Leary was a proponent of the idea that the mind is a powerful tool that can be used to expand one's understanding of the world and oneself. He believed that by changing our minds and being open to new ideas, we can continue to grow and learn throughout our lives. This concept is particularly relevant in the context of Leary's work with psychedelic drugs, which he believed could help individuals break free from rigid thought patterns and societal norms.
Leary's own life was a testament to the power of changing one's mind. He began his career as a respected psychologist and academic, but his experiments with psychedelic drugs led him to question the traditional boundaries of psychology and consciousness. He became a vocal advocate for the use of LSD and other psychedelics as tools for personal growth and spiritual exploration.
Throughout his life, Leary continued to challenge conventional wisdom and push the boundaries of what was considered acceptable. He was a controversial figure, often at odds with mainstream society, but he remained committed to his belief in the power of the mind to shape reality.