Youth is ever apt to judge in haste, and lose the medium in the wild extreme

Youth is ever apt to judge in haste, and lose the medium in the wild extreme
Aaron Hill was a prominent English writer, poet, and dramatist of the 18th century. He was known for his wit, intelligence, and creativity, but also for his tendency to be impulsive and quick to judge. The quote "Youth is ever apt to judge in haste, and lose the medium in the wild extreme" perfectly encapsulates Hill's approach to life and his work.As a young man, Hill was full of passion and energy, eager to make his mark on the literary world. He was quick to form opinions and make decisions, often without fully considering the consequences. This impulsive nature served him well in some ways, allowing him to produce a large body of work in a relatively short amount of time. However, it also led him to make mistakes and misjudgments that would later come back to haunt him.
Hill's tendency to judge in haste and lose the medium in the wild extreme can be seen in his relationships with other writers and intellectuals of his time. He was known for his fiery temper and his willingness to engage in public feuds and arguments. While this may have made for entertaining reading, it also alienated many of his peers and damaged his reputation in the long run.
In his writing, Hill was known for his bold and experimental style. He was not afraid to push the boundaries of traditional literary forms and conventions, often to great effect. However, his impulsive nature sometimes led him to take risks that did not pay off, resulting in works that were criticized for being overly ambitious or unfocused.
Despite his flaws, Hill was a talented and influential writer who made a significant impact on the literary landscape of his time. His willingness to take risks and his commitment to pushing the boundaries of his craft set him apart from his contemporaries and paved the way for future generations of writers to explore new and innovative ways of expressing themselves.