Yr Quotes

Text Quotes
A genius doesn’t adjust his treatment of a theme to a tyrant’s taste (Yr Quotes)
The problem isn’t with rock lyrics, it’s with the fabric of this society itself (Yr Quotes)
There’s your labyrinth of suffering. We are all going. Find your way out of that maze (Yr Quotes)
When you fight a war against a tyrant, who do you kill? You kill the victims of the tyrant (Yr Quotes)
Democratic institutions form a system of quarantine for tyrannical desires (Yr Quotes)
Against the persecution of a tyrant the godly have no remedy but prayer (Yr Quotes)
Republican despotism is more fertile in acts of tyranny, because everyone has a hand in it (Yr Quotes)
The freedom to kill is not a true freedom, but a tyranny that reduces human beings to slavery (Yr Quotes)
Government is at best a petulant servant and at worst a tyrannical master (Yr Quotes)
The combination of economic and political power in the same hands is a sure recipe for tyranny (Yr Quotes)
The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes (Yr Quotes)
Law is often the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual (Yr Quotes)
I don’t find the songs; they find me. I just strum my guitar and wait for a lyric to come (Yr Quotes)
A tyrant... is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader (Yr Quotes)
No fear or shame in the dignity of yr experience, language and knowledge (Yr Quotes)
We must all have the spirit of martyrdom, though we may not all die martyrs (Yr Quotes)
The very definition of tyranny is when all powers are gathered under one place (Yr Quotes)
The martyrs shook the powers of darkness with the irresistible power of weakness (Yr Quotes)
Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket (Yr Quotes)
Disgust at having to talk about oneself is what distinguishes novelistic talent from lyric talent (Yr Quotes)
I don’t get into heavy political numbers because I don’t find them lyrical (Yr Quotes)
We cannot be happy until we can love ourselves without egotism and our friends without tyranny (Yr Quotes)
I spend all my time right now trying to combat music retail and copyright (Yr Quotes)
This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector (Yr Quotes)
When we get the final hardware, the performance is just going to skyrocket (Yr Quotes)
I understand that transposing a song a half step can effect the believability of a lyric (Yr Quotes)
Although always prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it should be postponed (Yr Quotes)
The copyright bargain: a balance between protection for the artist and rights for the consumer (Yr Quotes)
We’re on the path of creating monopoly business practices out of copyright law (Yr Quotes)
We take a lot of care with lyrics because we don’t want to offend anybody (Yr Quotes)