Yr Quotes

Text Quotes
If they had said that the sun or the moon had gone out of the heavens, it could not have struck me with the idea of a more awful and dreary blank in creation than the words: Byron is dead! (Yr Quotes)
If one man can be allowed to determine for himself what is law, every man can. That means first chaos, then tyranny. Legal process is an essential part of the democratic process (Yr Quotes)
Most teachers have little control over school policy or curriculum or choice of texts or special placement of students, but most have a great deal of autonomy inside the classroom. To a degree shared by only a few other occupations, such as police work, public education rests precariously on the skill and virtue of the people at the bottom of the institutional pyramid (Yr Quotes)
It is clear that the way to heal society of its violence... and lack of love is to replace the pyramid of domination with the circle of equality and respect (Yr Quotes)
How many does it take to metamorphose wickedness into righteousness? One man must not kill. If he does, it is murder... But a state or nation may kill as many as they please, and it is not murder. It is just, necessary, commendable, and right. Only get people enough to agree to it, and the butchery of myriads of human beings is perfectly innocent. But how many does it take? (Yr Quotes)
The day may come when the rest of the animal creation may acquire those rights which never could have been withholden from them but by the hand of tyranny (Yr Quotes)
In all tyrannical governments the supreme magistracy, or the right both of making and of enforcing the laws, is vested in one and the same man, or one and the same body of men; and wherever these two powers are united together, there can be no public liberty (Yr Quotes)
Do you want to know what I most regret about my youth? That I didn’t dream more boldly and demand of myself more impossible things; for all one does in maturity is to carve in granite or porphyry the soap bubble one blew in youth! Oh to have dreamed harder! (Yr Quotes)
I don’t trust sentimentality in men; it goes with tyranny; you can’t have one without the other (Yr Quotes)
Martyrs are needed to create incidents. Incidents are needed to create revolutions. Revolutions are needed to create progress (Yr Quotes)
There is no sudden leap into the stratosphere... There is only advancing step by step, slowly and tortuously, up the pyramid toward your goals (Yr Quotes)
The first path a human being ever travels is the path that leads out of the maternal womb. Every human being’s first labyrinth is that of a woman (Yr Quotes)
Authority and power are two different things: power is the force by means of which you can oblige others to obey you. Authority is the right to direct and command, to be listened to or obeyed by others. Authority requests power. Power without authority is tyranny (Yr Quotes)
The voice of protest, of warning, of appeal is never more needed than when the clamor of fife and drum, echoed by the press and too often by the pulpit, is bidding all men fall in and keep step and obey in silence the tyrannous word of command. Then, more than ever, it is the duty of the good citizen not to be silent (Yr Quotes)
Fate is the friend of the good, the guide of the wise, the tyrant of the foolish, the enemy of the bad (Yr Quotes)
All good government must begin at home. It is useless to make good laws for bad people; what is wanted is this, to subdue the tyranny of the human heart (Yr Quotes)
Monuments! what are they? the very pyramids have forgotten their builders, or to whom they were dedicated. Deeds, not stones, are the true monuments of the great (Yr Quotes)
I’m not a pop song lyric writer. I can’t just focus on one simple meaning or even a double entendre (Yr Quotes)
Also, because people like to multitask, in a way if you’ve got a bit of music on in the background and the lyrical content is making you want to listen to it, then that would probably put you off the texting you wanted to do. I think people like things that just make that right kind of noise, but leave your brain free to do something else (Yr Quotes)
There’s no magic for getting into the groove... just banging away at it. Sometimes the lyrics come first, sometimes the music (Yr Quotes)
If you can say the lyrics almost like a poem and they stand up, that’s a great thing. Some songs have great lyrics and I don’t like the melodies, and vice versa (Yr Quotes)
You won’t talk to anybody who breaks lyrics down more thoroughly. It’s just a complete deconstruction, and when you start to rebuild, nobody has the capacity to do it like me. Which is not to say I’m better, it’s just that there’s a unique quality to everyone (Yr Quotes)
As it stands, motherhood is a sort of wilderness through which each woman hacks her way, part martyr, part pioneer; a turn of events from which some women derive feelings of heroism, while others experience a sense of exile from the world they knew (Yr Quotes)
In rap, as in most popular lyrics, a very low standard is set for rhyme; but this was not always the case with popular music (Yr Quotes)
A marriage is a solemn affair. The tempest of emotions and the myriad of arrangements are giddying, and when one is faced with these, clothing seems to be the last of one’s priorities (Yr Quotes)
I don’t really know what inspires me to write the music I do, but usually, the music will set the tone for the lyrics (Yr Quotes)
New technologies will always demand and deserve careful navigation and difficult readjustments. But the weakening or de facto abolition of copyright will not merely roil the seas, it will drain them dry. Those who would pirate what you produce have developed an elaborate sophistry to convince you that they are your victim. They aren’t. Fight back (Yr Quotes)
I think that art is still a site for resistance and for the telling of various stories, for validating certain subjectivities we normally overlook. I’m trying to be affective, to suggest changes, and to resist what I feel are the tyrannies of social life on a certain level (Yr Quotes)
I like collaboration because, first of all, I’m good at writing lyrics. I don’t know how to make beats. I don’t play instruments. I’m not a good singer. So even when you see a solo album of mine, it’s still a collaboration (Yr Quotes)
I feel like for me the lyric writing really comes from just what’s going on in my heart and that’s what consumes me; think a lot of our heart is relationships. Not just with boyfriend or girlfriend but all your relationships in your life with other people and our interactions with other humans (Yr Quotes)