Yr Quotes

Text Quotes
Compromise, hell!... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time? (Yr Quotes)
That to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical (Yr Quotes)
What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure (Yr Quotes)
Suffering is the ancient law of love; there is not quest without pain; there is no lover who is not also a martyr (Yr Quotes)
Those who are prosperously unjust are entitled to panegyric, but afflicted virtue is stabbed with reproaches (Yr Quotes)
All lyrical work must, as a whole, be perfectly intelligible, but in some particulars a little unintelligible (Yr Quotes)
In every village there will arise a miscreant to establish the most grinding tyranny by calling himself the people (Yr Quotes)
Tyrants commonly cut off the stairs by which they climb up unto their thrones for fear that, if they still be left standing, others will get up the same way (Yr Quotes)
Every wanton and causeless restraint of the will of the subject, whether practiced by a monarch, a nobility, or a popular assembly, is a degree of tyranny (Yr Quotes)
Not the mountain ice, congealed to crystals, is so frosty chaste as thy victorious soul, which conquers man, and man’s proud tyrant, passion (Yr Quotes)
I must leave you to the satisfaction of your own conscience, which, though a silent panegyric, is yet the best (Yr Quotes)
A king ruleth as he ought, a tyrant as he lists, a king to the profit of all, a tyrant only to please a few (Yr Quotes)
Sweet is every sound, sweeter thy voice, but every sound is sweet; myriads of rivulets hurrying through the lawn, the moan of doves in immemorial elms, and murmuring of innumerable bees (Yr Quotes)
No outward tyranny can reach the mind. If conscience plays the tyrant, it would be greatly for the benefit of the world that she were more arbitrary, and far less placable than some find her (Yr Quotes)
An index is a necessary implement. Without this, a large author is but a labyrinth without a clue to direct the readers within (Yr Quotes)
All government, all exercise of power, no matter in what form, which is not based in love and directed by knowledge, is a tyranny (Yr Quotes)
I would hardly change the sorrowful words of the poets for their glad ones. Tears dampen the strings of the lyre, but they grow the tensor for it, and ring even the clearer and more ravishingly (Yr Quotes)
The greatest of all injustice is that which goes under the name of law; and of all sorts of tyranny the forcing the letter of the law against the equity is the most insupportable (Yr Quotes)
Who has not seen how women bully women? What tortures have men to endure compared to those daily repeated shafts of scorn and cruelty with which poor women are riddled by the tyrants of their sex? (Yr Quotes)
History has informed us that bodies of men as well as individuals are susceptible of the spirit of tyranny (Yr Quotes)
The shortest way to change a radical into a conservative, a liberal into a tyrant, a man into a beast, is to give him power over his fellows (Yr Quotes)
By luxury we condemn ourselves to greater torments than have yet been invented by anger or revenge, or inflicted by the greatest tyrants upon the worst of men (Yr Quotes)
Public feeling now is apt to side with the persecuted, and our modern martyr is full as likely to be smothered with roses as with coals (Yr Quotes)
It is not the rigor, but the inexpediency, of laws and acts of authority, which makes them tyrannical (Yr Quotes)
The divine right of beauty is the only divine right a man can acknowledge, and a pretty woman the only tyrant he is not authorized to resist (Yr Quotes)
Anarchy is the sure consequence of tyranny; or no power that is not limited by laws can ever be protected by them (Yr Quotes)
Ambition! Deadly tyrant! Inexorable master! What alarms, what anxious hours, what agonies of heart, are the sure portion of thy gaudy slaves? (Yr Quotes)
When the will of man is raised above law it is always tyranny and despotism, whether it is the will of a bashaw or of bastard patriots (Yr Quotes)
The very name of a politician, a statesman, is sure to cause terror and hatred; it has always connected with it the ideas of treachery, cruelty, fraud, and tyranny (Yr Quotes)
Language. By this we build pyramids, fight battles, ordain and administer laws, shape and teach religion, and knit man to man, cultivate each other, and ourselves (Yr Quotes)