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Yucky Quotes

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Being dubbed as a hunk sort of annoys me. It gives me a yucky feeling.  (Yucky Quotes) I had a really kind of yucky divorce and it was really challenging to get over that  (Yucky Quotes) Stop pathetically believing that you deserve fame or fame deserves you. It’s yucky, and it’s only making you miserable, so stop  (Yucky Quotes) It’s something that you have to experience in your life, but I think my first kiss, I was 7 and it was really yucky  (Yucky Quotes) If you’re a beach person or a golfer, Key West is not for you. Most of the sand has been imported, and the water is shallow until you’ve waded far out, and all the way the sea floor is covered with yucky algae and sea grass.  (Yucky Quotes) It’s something that you have to experience in your life, but I think my first kiss, I was 7 and it was really yucky.  (Yucky Quotes)