Zadie Smith Quotes

Text Quotes
Nowadays, I know the true reason I read is to feel less alone, to make a connection with a consciousness other than my own. (Zadie Smith Quotes)
When I think of the books I love, there’s always a little laughter in the dark (Zadie Smith Quotes)
Women often have a great need to portray themselves as sympathetic and pleasing, but we’re also dark people with dark thoughts. (Zadie Smith Quotes)
When people use that stream of consciousness, it’s kind of just a term they use for anything that looks slightly different on the page. (Zadie Smith Quotes)
If you asked me if I wanted more joyful experiences in my life, I wouldn’t be at all sure I did, exactly because it proves such a difficult emotion to manage. (Zadie Smith Quotes)
Blimey, thought Kelvin, what an eye-to-face ratio. When you want to say something delicate, you don’t want that eye-to-face ration staring up at you. Big eyes, like a child’s or a baby seal’s; the physiognomy of innocence--looking at Archie Jones is like looking at something that expects to be clubbed round the head any second. (Zadie Smith Quotes)
You can’t state difference and also state equality. We have to state sameness to understand equality. (Zadie Smith Quotes)
I suppose I often think of my writing as quite impersonal. But it turned out, when my father died, writing was exactly what I wanted to do. (Zadie Smith Quotes)
That’s the thing about fiction writers: what seems alarming or particular or perverse about them is simply the shape of their brain - they cannot be otherwise. (Zadie Smith Quotes)
Life’s not a video game, Felix- there aren’t a certain number of points that send you to the next level. There isn’t actually any next level. The bad news is that everybody dies at the end. Game Over. (Zadie Smith Quotes)
Some of us are happy with our African hair, thank you very much. I don’t want some poor Indian girl’s hair. And I wish to God I could buy black hair products from black people for once. How we going to make it in this country if we don’t make our own business? (Zadie Smith Quotes)
If you love a young writer, maybe the best thing you can do is give them a little bit of space (Zadie Smith Quotes)
More silence; children's silence, so desperately desired by adults yet eerie when it finally occurs (Zadie Smith Quotes)
The past is always tense, the future perfect (Zadie Smith Quotes)
His mind was a small thing with big holes through which passions regularly seeped out (Zadie Smith Quotes)
Ryan's freckles were a join the dot's enthusiast's wet dream (Zadie Smith Quotes)
and the devil won another easy hand in God's poker game (Zadie Smith Quotes)
Dressed all in yellow spreading warmth and the promise of sex (Zadie Smith Quotes)
A past tense, future perfect kind of night (Zadie Smith Quotes)
A carefully preserved English accent also upped the fear factor (Zadie Smith Quotes)
It was in the shady groves of dictionaries that Jack fell in love (Zadie Smith Quotes)
You don't have favorites among your children but you do have allies (Zadie Smith Quotes)
The nineties, ecstatic decade! (Zadie Smith Quotes)
I often worry that my idea of personhood is nostalgic, irrational, inaccurate (Zadie Smith Quotes)
... They cannot escape their history any more than you yourself can lose your shadow (Zadie Smith Quotes)
You don’t have favourites among your children, but you do have allies (Zadie Smith Quotes)
The ideal reader cannot sleep when holding the writer he was meant to be with (Zadie Smith Quotes)
You are never stronger... than when you land on the other side of despair (Zadie Smith Quotes)
I cannot believe homosexuality is that much fun. Heterosexuality certainly is not (Zadie Smith Quotes)
Every moment happens twice: inside and outside, and they are two different histories (Zadie Smith Quotes)