Zat Quotes

Text Quotes
The more successful you and your organization become, the more humble and devoted to your customers you need to be (Zat Quotes)
Organizations like the church or General Motors promote a man up and up until he reaches a spot which he is obviously incapable of filling, and there they lay him to rest (Zat Quotes)
A democratic civilization will save itself only if it makes the language of the image into a stimulus for critical reflection - not an invitation for hypnosis (Zat Quotes)
I would visualize things coming to me. It would just make me feel better. Visualization works if you work hard. That's the thing. You can't just visualize and go eat a sandwich (Zat Quotes)
First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination (Zat Quotes)
Every organization of men, be it social or political, ultimately relies on man's capacity for making promises and keeping them (Zat Quotes)
Enlightenment is not an attainment, it is a realization. And when you wake up, everything changes and nothing changes (Zat Quotes)
Generalization is necessary to the advancement of knowledge; but particularity is indispensable to the creations of the imagination (Zat Quotes)
The English have all the material requisites for the revolution. What they lack is the spirit of generalization and revolutionary ardor (Zat Quotes)
Theory becomes realized among a people only in so far as it represents the realization of that people's needs (Zat Quotes)
Shaming and blaming without accountability is toxic to couples, families, organizations, and communities (Zat Quotes)
No matter what we call it, poison is still poison, death is still death, and industrial civilization is still causing the greatest mass extinction in the history of the planet (Zat Quotes)
We have been shirking too long, and that's unworthy of a great civilization. To see off the new Dark Ages will be tough and demanding. The alternative will be worse (Zat Quotes)
It is not good for our efforts at self realization to know the opinions other people have of us. It is difficult or perhaps impossible to be ourselves if we are known (Zat Quotes)
The pre human creature from which man evolved was unlike any other living thing in its malicious viciousness toward its own kind. Humanization was not a leap forward but a groping toward survival (Zat Quotes)
There are historic situations in which refusal to defend the inheritance of a civilization, however imperfect, against tyranny and aggression may result in consequences even worse than war (Zat Quotes)
The people who are doing the work are the moving force behind the Macintosh. My job is to create a space for them, to clear out the rest of the organization and keep it at bay (Zat Quotes)
A civilization which leaves so large a number of its participants unsatisfied and drives them into revolt neither has nor deserves the prospect of a lasting existence (Zat Quotes)
It is impossible to overlook the extent to which civilization is built upon a renunciation of instinct (Zat Quotes)
The liberty of the individual is no gift of civilization. It was greatest before there was any civilization (Zat Quotes)
We believe that civilization has been created under the pressure of the exigencies of life at the cost of satisfaction of the instincts (Zat Quotes)
Funding a civilization through advertising is like trying to get nutrition by connecting a tube from one's anus to one's mouth (Zat Quotes)
It goes without saying that a civilization which leaves so large a number of its participants unsatisfied and drives them into revolt neither has nor deserves the prospect of a lasting existence (Zat Quotes)
I craved honesty, yet found dishonesty in myself. Why commit to art? For self realization, or for itself? It seemed indulgent to add to the glut unless one offered illumination (Zat Quotes)
We must reckon with the possibility that something in the nature of the sexual instinct itself is unfavorable to the realization of complete satisfaction (Zat Quotes)
Beauty has no obvious use; nor is there any clear cultural necessity for it. Yet civilization could not do without it (Zat Quotes)
It is impossible to overlook the extent to which civilization is built up upon a renunciation of instinct (Zat Quotes)
What is common in all these dreams is obvious. They completely satisfy wishes excited during the day which remain unrealized. They are simply and undisguisedly realizations of wishes (Zat Quotes)
Technological civilizations don't last long. You're all right until you get a printing press. Then a race starts between technology and common sense. and maybe technology always wins (Zat Quotes)
It is not possible for civilization to flow backwards while there is youth in the world. Youth may be headstrong, but it will advance it allotted length (Zat Quotes)