Zati Quotes

Text Quotes
In inner-party politics, these methods lead, as we shall yet see, to this: The party organization substitutes itself for the party, the central committee substitutes itself for the organization, and, finally, a dictator substitutes himself for the central committee (Zati Quotes)
A poet is a combination of an instrument and a human being in one person, with the former gradually taking over the latter. The sensation of this takeover is responsible for timbre; the realization of it, for destiny (Zati Quotes)
Civilization is a conspiracy. Modern life is the silent compact of comfortable folk to keep up pretences (Zati Quotes)
You think that a wall as solid as the Earth separates civilization from barbarism. I tell you the division is a thread, a sheet of glass. A touch here, a push there, and you bring back the reign of Saturn (Zati Quotes)
Any large scale organization must lose some of the merits of it's rudimentary beginnings. Quantity will have a coarsening effect on quality (Zati Quotes)
Cities have always been the fireplaces of civilization, whence light and heat radiated out into the dark (Zati Quotes)
There is what I call the American idea... This idea demands, as the proximate organization thereof, a democracy, that is, a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people. For shortness' sake I will call it the idea of freedom (Zati Quotes)
The union of men in large masses is indispensable to the development and rapid growth of the higher faculties of men. Cities have always been the fireplaces of civilization whence light and heat radiated out into the dark cold world (Zati Quotes)
I see people who talk about America, and then undermine it by not paying attention to it's soul, to it's poetry. I see polarization, reductionism and superficiality (Zati Quotes)
We think our civilization near it's meridian, but we are yet only at the cock crowing and the morning star. In our barbarous society the influence of character is in it's infancy (Zati Quotes)
The gross heathenism of civilization has generally destroyed nature, and poetry, and all that is spiritual (Zati Quotes)
The true test of civilization is, not the census, nor the size of the cities, nor the crops - no, but the kind of man the country turns out (Zati Quotes)
In the highest civilization, the book is still the highest delight. He who has once known it's satisfactions is provided with a resource against calamity (Zati Quotes)
As long as our civilization is essentially one of property, of fences, of exclusiveness, it will be mocked by delusions (Zati Quotes)
The soul contains the event that shall befall it, for the event is only the actualization of it's thoughts; and what we pray to ourselves for is always granted (Zati Quotes)
As Rome passed away, so, the West is passing away, from the same causes and in much the same way. What the Danube and Rhine were to Rome, the Rio Grande and Mediterranean are to America and Europe, the frontiers of a civilization no longer defended (Zati Quotes)
Uncontrolled immigration threatens to deconstruct the nation we grew up in and convert America into a conglomeration of peoples with almost nothing in common - not history, heroes, language, culture, faith, or ancestors. Balkanization beckons (Zati Quotes)
The West is dying. Its nations have ceased to reproduce, and their populations have stopped growing and begun to shrink. Not since the Black Death carried off a third of Europe in the fourteenth century has there been a graver threat to the survival of Western civilization (Zati Quotes)
The sunday is the core of our civilization, dedicated to thought and reverence. It invites to the noblest solitude and to the noblest society (Zati Quotes)
The communism of Marx seeks a strong state centralization, and where this exists, there the parasitic Jewish nation - which speculates upon the labor of people - will always find the means for it's existence (Zati Quotes)
Liberty is so great a magician, endowed with so marvelous a power of productivity, that under the inspiration of this spirit alone, north America was able within less than a century to equal, and even surpass, the civilization of Europe (Zati Quotes)
The flowering of civilization is the finished man, the man of sense, of grace, of accomplishment, of social power - the gentleman (Zati Quotes)
We live in a society of victimization, where people are much more comfortable being victimized than actually standing up for themselves (Zati Quotes)
Good God, if our civilization were to sober up for a couple of days it'd die of remorse on the third (Zati Quotes)
Deconstruction never had meaning or interest, at least in my eyes, than as a radicalization, that is to say, also within the tradition of a certain Marxism, in a certain spirit of Marxism (Zati Quotes)
Our civilization is characterized by the word "progress." Progress is it's form rather than making progress being one of it's features. Typically it constructs. It is occupied with building an ever more complicated structure. And even clarity is sought only (Zati Quotes)
I'm a very driven, ambitious, positive person. But I'm a spiritual person as well. I believe in creative visualization. So for me to go to America - which I find such a positive place - well, I took to it like a duck to water (Zati Quotes)
There is a single thread of attitude, a single direction of flow, that joins our present time to it's early burgeoning in Mediterranean civilization (Zati Quotes)
In any great organization it is far, far safer to be wrong with the majority than to be right alone (Zati Quotes)
You will find that the state is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly, too (Zati Quotes)