Zati Quotes

Text Quotes
I cannot belong to a nonprofit organization because when you receive grants, you have to make such great compromises with your artistic plans (Zati Quotes)
Accordingly, globalization is not only something that will concern and threaten us in the future, but something that is taking place in the present and to which we must first open our eyes (Zati Quotes)
The secret to having everything you want out of life is the realization that you really don’t want most of the things you think you want (Zati Quotes)
No matter how many plots we uncover and disrupt, no matter how many terrorist organizations we degrade or destroy, another individual or group will rise to take their place (Zati Quotes)
The productivity of a work group seems to depend on how the group members see their own goals in relation to the goals of the organization (Zati Quotes)
The decision to join or not join a service union, political party or other organization should be left up to the individual. No such organization has the right to take money out of the pockets of state workers without their proper consent (Zati Quotes)
The destiny of world civilization depends upon providing a decent standard of living for all mankind (Zati Quotes)
For your born writer, nothing is so healing as the realization that he has come upon the right word (Zati Quotes)
Basic philosophy, spirit and drive of an organization have far more to do with its relative achievements than do technological or economic resources, organizational structure, innovation and timing (Zati Quotes)
The stage of the development of the productive forces determines the political and ideological superstructure of society which are crystallized into a system of social organization (Zati Quotes)
In a government whose distinguishing characteristic should be a diffusion and equalization of its benefits and burdens the advantage of individuals will be augmented at the expense of the community at large (Zati Quotes)
Race and class are rendered distinct analytically only to produce the realization that the analysis of the one cannot proceed without the other. A different dynamic it seems to me is at work in the critique of new sexuality studies (Zati Quotes)
It is a call for black people in this country to unite, to recognize their heritage, to build a sense of community. It is a call for black people to define their own goals, to lead their own organizations (Zati Quotes)
One of the tragedies of the struggle against racism is that up to now there has been no national organization which could speak to the growing militancy of young black people in the urban ghetto (Zati Quotes)
For our welfare reform efforts to be successful, we must empower local charitable organizations with the resources to address their local community needs (Zati Quotes)
Art need no longer be an account of past sensations. It can become the direct organization of more highly evolved sensations. It is a question of producing ourselves, not things that enslave us (Zati Quotes)
I have, for many years past, contemplated the noble races of red men who are now spread over these trackless forests and boundless prairies, melting away at the approach of civilization (Zati Quotes)
Civilization, to be worthy of the name, must afford other methods of settling human differences than those of blood letting (Zati Quotes)
I’m heartened by the growing awareness of global warming among important communities and organizations in our nation (Zati Quotes)
I had a couple come in with a negative amortization mortgage on a house that costs way too much relative to their income. They’re consuming real estate, not investing in it (Zati Quotes)
Any political agenda and organization which doesn’t begin with personal responsibility is just half the argument. It’s just not going to succeed (Zati Quotes)
Unless you have a sense of values that’s shared by people and turns them loose to do certain things on their own within those sets of values, the organization, whether a nation or corporation or citizen group, just doesn’t work very well (Zati Quotes)
Quality is the result of a carefully constructed cultural environment. It has to be the fabric of the organization, not part of the fabric (Zati Quotes)
The high point of civilization is that you can hate me and I can hate you but we develop an etiquette that allows us to deal with each other because if we acted solely upon our impulse we’d probably go to war (Zati Quotes)
Well, we see an increasingly weaker labor movement as a result of the overall assault on the labor movement and as a result of the globalization of capital (Zati Quotes)
The new meaning of soul is creativity and mysticism. These will become the foundation of the new psychological type and with him or her will come the new civilization (Zati Quotes)
You cannot be against embryonic stem cell research and be intellectually and therefore morally consistent, if you’re not also against in vitro fertilization (Zati Quotes)
We live in an era of globalization and the era of the woman. Never in the history of the world have women been more in control of their destiny (Zati Quotes)
It has been well said that tea is suggestive of a thousand wants, from which spring the decencies and luxuries of civilization (Zati Quotes)
What I am more concerned about is whether our whole civilization will be around in the next 25 years (Zati Quotes)