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Zati Quotes

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Throughout history government has served as a vehicle for the organization of hatred and oppression, benefiting no one except those who are ambitious and ruthless enough to gain control of it  (Zati Quotes) Whenever we can make 25 words do the work of 50, we halve the area in which looseness and disorganization can flourish  (Zati Quotes) We have tried everything to get rid of suffering. We have gone everywhere to get rid of suffering. We have bought everything to get rid of it. We have ingested everything to get rid of it. Finally, when one has tried enought, there arises the possibility of spiritual maturity with the willingness to stop the futile attempt to get rid of it and, instead, to actually experience suffering. In that momentous instant, there is the realization of that which is beyond suffering, of that which is untouched by suffering. There is the realization of who one truly is  (Zati Quotes) Globilization in its current form cannot deliver the benefits expected of it. Civil society, particularly in developing countries, must ensure that it does  (Zati Quotes) Beauty is the arrowhead of evangelization, the point with which the evangelist pierces the minds and hearts of those he evangelizes  (Zati Quotes) The concept of recovery is rooted in the simple yet profound realization that people who have been diagnosed with mental illness are human beings  (Zati Quotes) What’s looming in the shadows of our ignorance and denial is a critique of civilization itself  (Zati Quotes) I may think that hornets do not have an ideal social organization. But I know better than to poke their nest  (Zati Quotes) I didn’t go to bookshops to buy. That’s a little bourgeois. I went because they were civilized places. It made me happy there were people who sat down and wrote and wrote and wrote and there were other people who devoted their lives to making those words into books. It was lovely. Like standing in the middle of civilization  (Zati Quotes) Perhaps the most significant event in the evolution of the liberated mind arrives with the realization that most people, even in their deepest convictions, are blind to most truths  (Zati Quotes) Ideas are the engines of progress. They improve people’s lives by creating better ways to do things. They build and grow successful organizations and keep them healthy and prosperous. Without the ability to get new ideas, an organization stagnates and declines and will eventually be eliminated by competitors who do have fresh ideas  (Zati Quotes) Everyone has the ability to be creative. Everyone has the ability to connect one idea with another, to find an idea in another department, organization, or industry, and connect it with another to solve the challenge at hand  (Zati Quotes) So much in life seems inflexible and unchangeable, and part of the joy of running and especially racing is the realization that improvement and progress can be achieved  (Zati Quotes) A warming of this magnitude would risk the end of civilization as we know it by the end of this century  (Zati Quotes) An organization that treats its programmers as morons will soon have programmers that are willing and able to act like morons only  (Zati Quotes) Culture is the tacit agreement to let the means of subsistence disappear behind the purpose of existence. Civilization is the subordination of the latter to the former  (Zati Quotes) In its most fundamental sense, execution is a systematic way of exposing reality and acting on it. Most companies don’t face reality very well... Realism is the heart of execution, but many organizations are full of people who are trying to avoid or shade reality. Why? It makes life uncomfortable  (Zati Quotes) Learn the lessons of history. Don’t let how you feel about your tenure at your organization drive you to make poor investment decisions that could potentially derail a successful retirement  (Zati Quotes) Creativity is the generation and initial development of new, useful ideas. Innovation is the successful implementation of those ideas in an organization. Thus, no innovation is possible without the creative processes that mark the front end of the process: identifying important problems and opportunities, gathering relevant information, generating new ideas, and exploring the validity of those ideas  (Zati Quotes) As with military campaigns, cultural warfare is always decided over the pragmatic problems of strategy, organization and resources... The factions with the best strategies, most efficient organization, and access to resources will plainly have the advantage and very possibly, the ultimate victory  (Zati Quotes) Whether philosophically you believe in a public subsidization of an arena or a stadium, that’s the reality. We can’t have professional basketball in this community by the end of our lease in 2010 without subsidization  (Zati Quotes) Globalization is a reality. And this makes most leaders today realize that populist illusions can’t be sustained before they collapse into stagnation and leave their political supporters deeply disillusioned. You can’t inflate away your troubles or allow mountains of debt to build up if, as a country, you have to make your living in a globally competitive environment... Building prosperity requires caution and patience. It requires time. Populism is a short cut that doesn’t work  (Zati Quotes) Not everything in man’s life is summed up in the problem of food. Anyone who thinks that a civilization can be founded on bread alone makes a great mistake. No matter how much bread there is, it cannot produce a man: it can only nourish him. Life exists before food. Man’s life comes from the very origin of life. Therefore civilization does not follow the forms of production. All social life follows the action of life  (Zati Quotes) We have the freedom to excel or inhibit our potential. You are the grand designer of your thoughts and emotions. At some level or another you are the one who chooses which thoughts to accept and which ones to ignore. That can be a very empower realization  (Zati Quotes) Building a cohesive leadership team is the first critical step that an organization must take if it is to have the best chance at success  (Zati Quotes) The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage  (Zati Quotes) Social media spark a revelation that we, the people, have a voice, and through the democratization of content and ideas we can once again unite around common passions, inspire movements, and ignite change  (Zati Quotes) This world has seen a great many civilizations. And many of them have survived for longer periods than ours up to the present. They were all as sure as we are today of having founded the first eternal civilization. We today differ from them in having our western civilization spread to embrace the entire planet, leaving no room on any continent for any other culture to take over if we fail  (Zati Quotes) The fate of the physiology of the brain is independent of the truth and falsity of my assertions relative to the laws of the organization of the nervous system, in general, and of the brain in particular, just as the knowledge of the functions of a sense is independent of the knowledge of the structure of its apparatus  (Zati Quotes) Whoever would not remain in complete ignorance of the resources which cause him to act; whoever would seize, at a single philosophical glance, the nature of man and animals, and their relations to external objects; whoever would establish, on the intellectual and moral functions, a solid doctrine of mental diseases, of the general and governing influence of the brain in the states of health and disease, should know, that it is indispensable, that the study of the organization of the brain should march side by side with that of its functions  (Zati Quotes)
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