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Zati Quotes

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Technological rationality reveals its political character as it becomes the great vehicle of better domination, creating a truely totalitarian universe in which society and nature, mind and body are kept in a state of permanent mobilization for the defense of this universe  (Zati Quotes) Civilization depends on our expanding ability to produce food efficiently, which has markedly accelerated thanks to science and technology  (Zati Quotes) Our three big emergencies are fire, loss of pressurization or contaminated atmosphere. Any of those things in a spaceship are very deadly and time critical. Everybody’s trained, but I’m the commander of the ship, and it’s up to me to decide  (Zati Quotes) If commercialization is putting my art on a shirt so that a kid who can’t afford a $30,000 painting can buy one, then I’m all for it  (Zati Quotes) In the military, as in any organization, giving the order might be the easiest part. Execution is the real game  (Zati Quotes) Organizations that empower folks further down the chain or try to get rid of the big hierarchal chains and allow decision making to happen on a more local level end up being more adaptive and resilient because there are more minds involved in the problem  (Zati Quotes) I originally wanted to embrace the imagery and forthrightness of rap music. There are some interesting, dynamic voices in rap. But I find most of it irresponsible in its overt violence and commercialization of anger. As artists, we believe we can will action through language. If that’s the case, we have to take responsibility for what we say  (Zati Quotes) This whole issue of limits to growth, which provides a psychological, as well as a physical, cap on potential expansion of activity and awareness, has had a very depressing effect on many people... I don’t for a moment think that there’s any concept which anyone’s working with now which will be followed as a straightforward scenario. But the idea embodied in concepts such as space colonization or space industrialization, or availability of nonterrestrial resources, is fundamental, and it will change the way in which people look at the future  (Zati Quotes) While civilization is more than a high material living standard it is nevertheless based on material abundance. It does not thrive on abject poverty or in an atmosphere of resignation and hopelessness. Therefore, the end objectives of solar system exploration are social objectives, in the sense that they relate to or are dictated by present and future human needs  (Zati Quotes) If two or three hundred years from now an earthbound civilization is dying... and they look back at the opportunity that we have here at the close of the twentieth century to move out into space and they see that we didn’t do anything with it... I don’t want history to judge us on having blown this opportunity, and I think history will judge us on this more than on any other issue  (Zati Quotes) Monumental achievements by humanity should be done by major organizations as much together as possible  (Zati Quotes) Why isn’t the movie industry forced to open its shooting locations to an organization that is there to advocate for animal actors? The industry isn’t allowed to pick and choose which movies using young children it will or won’t allow to be monitored. The vulnerable should be protected  (Zati Quotes) Civilizations are not remembered by their business people, their bankers or lawyers. They’re remembered by the arts  (Zati Quotes) I can’t think of another enterprise other than being a homeowner that can’t have its debt restructured in bankruptcy. Corporations can but a homeowner can’t? Now with securitization the homeowner can’t go to the owner of the loan and work things out  (Zati Quotes) I think if you create something and you get an audience for it, then the monetization part is really secondary  (Zati Quotes) Try never to be the smartest person in the room. And if you are, I suggest you invite smarter people or find a different room. In professional circles it’s called networking. In organizations it’s called team building. And in life it’s called family, friends, and community. We are all gifts to each other, and my own growth as a leader has shown me again and again that the most rewarding experiences come from my relationships  (Zati Quotes) India is a land of plenty inhibited by poverty; India has an enthralling, uplifting civilization that sparkles not only in our magnificent art, but also in the enormous creativity and humanity of our daily life in city and village  (Zati Quotes) A breast cancer might turn out to have a close resemblance to a gastric cancer. And this kind of reorganization of cancer in terms of its internal genetic anatomy has really changed the way we treat and approach cancer in general  (Zati Quotes) There’s a lot of pride that business owners have. It’s actually really critical that pride and ownership extends to everyone in the organization. I think of everyone is in the same boat in driving the company forward  (Zati Quotes) Good website practice and optimizing for conversion usually makes for good search engine optimization. These work together to ensure you drive quality traffic and can persuade that traffic to help you meet your business goals  (Zati Quotes) Western civilization shapes the content of my films, provides me with subjects that haven’t been used before  (Zati Quotes) I’m on a lot of nonprofit boards, but if I didn’t enjoy it I wouldn’t do it. I haven’t yet done anything that’s transformational in philanthropy. But I hope at some point to target two or three causes or organizations and really make transformational gifts  (Zati Quotes) Anybody who gives away money is mostly looking at things where they think they can make a difference. I’m trying to help people who helped me, educational institutions that helped me with scholarships, or organizations that were very useful to me in growing up  (Zati Quotes) Historically, if you look at great civilizations, why do they crumble? Is it because of what’s outside or because of something internal? It’s always internal. It is  (Zati Quotes) People really are our most important resource, and people who don’t realize that and choose not to live that way, choose not to lead that way, are paying a price for that in many of our companies, many of our organizations  (Zati Quotes) You know, I think when people are in important positions in big organizations, they often get tied up with the minutia of managing money, managing things. They often forget that people deserve to be led  (Zati Quotes) The craft of writing is all the stuff that you can learn through school; go to workshops and read books. Learn characterization, plot and dialogue and pacing and word choice and point of view. Then there’s also the art of it which is sort of the unknown, the inspiration, the stuff that is noncerebral  (Zati Quotes) We are in the twilight of this earth. The societies and civilizations of human beings will not endure much longer because of their abuses of power  (Zati Quotes) While the comforts of modern civilization and technological success or economic success seem at the moment quite fulfilling, I can assure you that all of these things are transitory and will fall away  (Zati Quotes) You can judge a civilization by its level of agreement with the green world. When people respect nature, it’s a sign of a healthy situation. When they denigrate nature, it’s a sign of an unhealthy civilization that will soon perish  (Zati Quotes)
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