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Zati Quotes

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And I think it’s true of any big organization... Bureaucracies and organizations make it hard to do the right thing sometimes  (Zati Quotes) One of the remarkable things about slums is that they do develop their own social organization and economy and even culture that is, on some level, functional and in some cases, remarkably resilient. This is kind of amazing  (Zati Quotes) Any time you can degrade or take away the top leadership of an organization, it’s a positive step forward  (Zati Quotes) ... teaching cannot be a process of transference of knowledge from the one teaching to the learner. This is the mechanical transference from which results machinelike memorization, which I have already criticized. Critical study correlates with teaching that is equally critical, which necessarily demands a critical way of comprehending and of realizing the reading of the word and that of the world, the reading of text and of context  (Zati Quotes) The internal and external ethics of an organization must be the same; you cannot talk about minimum wages for poor people and not pay minimum wages to your own workers  (Zati Quotes) The inherent preferences of organizations are clarity, certainty and perfection. The inherent nature of human relationships involves ambiguity, uncertainty, and imperfection. How one honors, balances, and integrates the needs of both is the real trick of feedback  (Zati Quotes) The challenge of abating one with a genuine ego problem is to not try to put him down. Any and all antagonization, in his mind, is merely compensated for by his own descriptions: his feelings of persecution by the envious and his ideals of worth. Arguably, the genuine ego is more of a circumstantial defense mechanism rather than a steady arrogance in need of starvation  (Zati Quotes) Dare to dream of your great success. Become intimate with those things which deeply motivate you and regularly work toward the realization of that mission  (Zati Quotes) In the last two or three decades, there’s been a feminization of the man in popular media that I’ve never really understood  (Zati Quotes) My memorization skills aren’t that great so I need help in that area. As far as everything else, I listen to the director. I’m someone who doesn’t argue. I hit my marks and say the lines  (Zati Quotes) I know more now than I did in the past about the process of democratization. I know more about the pitfalls  (Zati Quotes) Energy is the only universal currency: one of its many forms must be transformed to another in order for stars to shine, planets to rotate, plants to grow, and civilizations to evolve  (Zati Quotes) Each individual possesses a conscience which to a greater or lesser degree serves to restrain the unimpeded flow of impulses destructive to others. But when he merges his person into an organizational structure, a new creature replaces autonomous man, unhindered by the limitations of individual morality, freed of humane inhibition, mindful only of the sanctions of authority  (Zati Quotes) I had never been in charge of anything. I’d always worked for someone. I worked for a furniture warehouse. I did masonry. I always had a boss yelling at me. So I’d never been in charge of an organization  (Zati Quotes) The burgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all nations into civilization  (Zati Quotes) The single definition of government I’ve ever seen that makes sense is that it’s the organization which claims the right to kill people who won’t do what it wants  (Zati Quotes) What I have said is that I think the federal government and we as a society have come too far in trying to separate good organizations that perform good functions for people just based on the fact one has a religious association and one doesn’t  (Zati Quotes) Our way of life is at stake, our grandchildren are at stake, the future of civilization is at stake  (Zati Quotes) Measures of sterilization should, in my opinion, be very definitely confined to persons who are mentally defective  (Zati Quotes) We can see quite plainly that our present civilization is built on the exploitation of animals, just as past civilisations were built on the exploitation of slaves  (Zati Quotes) When I was 25, I believed I could change the world. At 41, I have come to the realization that I cannot change my wife, my church, or my kids, to say nothing of the world. Try as I might, I have not been able to manufacture outcomes the way I thought I could, either in my own life or other people’s  (Zati Quotes) I’m never going to be one of those people who is good at organization. But I’m very visual. I have a catalog in my head of things I already own, so it’s easy to shop and I always know exactly what I’m looking for  (Zati Quotes) I have a very big conflict with the individualization of love. I feel like it’s egotistical to just love one person when you can love so many of them. I feel so much love that I declare myself a lover of all  (Zati Quotes) What we have as artists is the immortalization opportunity that others don’t have, because our work is lasting; it’s there forever to view  (Zati Quotes) Any time there is change, there is opportunity. So it is paramount that an organization get energized rather than paralyzed  (Zati Quotes) Rome is the one great spiritual organisation which is able to resist and must, as a matter of life and death, the progress of science and modern civilization  (Zati Quotes) It is only logical that the pauperization of our soul and the soul of society coincide with the pauperization of the environment. One is the cause and the reflection of the other  (Zati Quotes) To think you can just go out and help people and somehow get a better life is not reincarnation as I know it. A better life comes from being happy and inner realizations. Now if helping others adds to that, well then, it’s great  (Zati Quotes) What you will be in your next life is the sum total of the realizations that you have had in this lifetime  (Zati Quotes) The main reason for civilization is that life is more comfortable. In a way, houses are there to protect us from rain, cold, and heat; cars are there to overcome distances. Culture is the exception. Music, art, and all of the different cultural expressions are not going in that direction. They’re not about comfort; they’re about understanding each other  (Zati Quotes)
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