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Zati Quotes

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A civilization is a social entity that manifests religious, political, legal, and customary uniformity over an extended period, and which confers on its members the benefits of socially accumulated knowledge  (Zati Quotes) Anybody who knows something about the history of the human race knows that there is no civilization which has condoned homosexual marriage widely and openly that has long survived  (Zati Quotes) The status quo was rote memorization and recitation in classrooms thronged with passive children who were sternly disciplined when they expressed individual needs  (Zati Quotes) It never hurts to be involved in any political or activist organization. I can never see how participation would be a bad thing. The key is being true to what you participate with and who  (Zati Quotes) India is a civilization where the principle and philosophy of sacrifice is ingrained as part of our upbringing  (Zati Quotes) Innovation needs to be nurtured throughout an organization. Management is doing things right, whereas leadership is doing the right things  (Zati Quotes) In business the 80/20 principle is behind any innovation, any extra value. It is an entrepreneurial principle, a formula for value creation utilized not only by entrepreneurs, but by most managers and organizations  (Zati Quotes) There will always be humans, lots of them, who provide the data that makes the networked realization of any technology better and cheaper  (Zati Quotes) A civilization is complicated, in the first place, because it is dynamic; that is, it is constantly changing in the passage of time, until it has perished  (Zati Quotes) It is clear that every civilization undergoes a process of historical change. We can see that a civilization comes into existence, passes through a long experience, and eventually goes out of existence  (Zati Quotes) Capitalism might be defined, if we wish to be scientific, as a form of economic organization motivated by the pursuit of profit within a price structure  (Zati Quotes) The process by which civilization, as an abstract entity distinct from the societies in which it is embodied, dies or is reborn is a very significant one  (Zati Quotes) Globalization is a form of totalitarianism... It is the rich who rule, and the poor live as they can  (Zati Quotes) When you take action on ideas and tactics you will begin to uncover great potential and begin to unleash it for the betterment of yourself, your organization and the world  (Zati Quotes) You don’t explain to the janitorial staff how your company is a part of a sinister organization with goals of global infiltration and control. You just tell them to clean the floor  (Zati Quotes) Recognition of the harm that patriarchy has caused to people and the planet does not mean that men are wrong and women are right; rather it is a call for new organizational forms and for relishing gender differences within a context of equality  (Zati Quotes) Leaders are creatures of their environment, but unlike most creatures, they are also movers of it. As movers of and within the organization, they push it forward, at the same time shaping it as much as it shapes them  (Zati Quotes) War has been with us ever since the dawn of civilization. Nothing has been more constant in history than war  (Zati Quotes) Women are socially disadvantaged in controlling sexual access to their bodies through socialization to customs that define a woman’s body as for sexual use by men. Sexual access is regularly forced or pressured or routinized beyond denial  (Zati Quotes) I don’t doubt at all that virtualization is useful in some areas. What I doubt rather strongly is that it will ever have the kind of impact that the people involved in virtualization want it to have  (Zati Quotes) The bicameral mind with its controlling gods was evolved as a final stage of the evolution of language. And in this development lies the origin of civilization  (Zati Quotes) The relations that define a system as a unity, and determine the dynamics of interaction and transformations which it may undergo as such a unity constitute the organization of the machine  (Zati Quotes) Writing about race and crime was not new territory for me. But it can be treacherous. So here are my rules: No stereotypes. No generalizations. No explanations. No apologies. Just the facts, ma’am  (Zati Quotes) In addition to achieving outside the industry, agriculture, national defense science and technology modernization, we are faced with the important task of system modernization  (Zati Quotes) The globalization that has swept away the barriers to the movement of goods, ideas and people has also swept with it barriers that confined and localized security threats  (Zati Quotes) Libya is a good example of a country that has come to a realization that weapons of mass destruction threaten more than assure, and I hope that will be followed by others  (Zati Quotes) The greatest threat to mankind and civilization is the spread of the totalitarian philosophy. Its best ally is not the devotion of its followers but the confusion of its enemies. To fight it, we must understand it  (Zati Quotes) Wherever we look, the work of the chemist has raised the level of our civilization and has increased the productive capacity of the nation  (Zati Quotes) For a machine to run smoothly and predictably, its parts must be standard and hence replaceable, features which contribute, respectively, to modern depersonalization and anxiety  (Zati Quotes) Everyone in a successful organization must be willing and ready to risk. Risk is like change; it’s not a choice  (Zati Quotes)
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