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Zati Quotes

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In a culture that gives men irresponsible power and women powerless responsibility, the advancement of civilization cannot be a serious goal  (Zati Quotes) As civilization progresses, we should improve our laws basically, not superficially. Many things that are lawful are highly immoral and some things which are moral are unlawful  (Zati Quotes) Organizational structures of today demand too much from a few, and not much at all from everyone else  (Zati Quotes) Aspiring to these wide generalizations, the analysis of quadratic functions soars to a pitch from whence it may look proudly down on the feeble and vain attempts of geometry proper to rise to its level or to emulate it in its flights  (Zati Quotes) For the price of intelligence as we now know it is chronic anxiety, anxiety which appears to increase-oddly enough-to the very degree that human life is subjected to intelligent organization  (Zati Quotes) If men were ever to lose the appetite for meaning we call thinking, they would lose the capacity for asking all the unanswerable questions upon which every civilization is founded  (Zati Quotes) In organizations where nothing much happens regardless of whether you do something exceptional or just show up in the morning, the best people lose heart and motivation is reduced near the lowest common denominator  (Zati Quotes) ... it is the right and duty of every woman to employ the power of organization and agitation in order to gain those advantages which are given to the one sex and unjustly withheld from the other  (Zati Quotes) There have been a few moments when I have known complete satisfaction, but only a few. I have rarely been free from the disturbing realization that my playing might have been better  (Zati Quotes) War is, we have been forced to admit, even in the face of its huge place in our civilization, an asocial trait  (Zati Quotes) Whenever there is polarization, there is an unhappy tendency to think the truth lies somewhere in between  (Zati Quotes) And after two days in civilization we realized we could never stay for long and started to plan our next adventure  (Zati Quotes) No amount of artificial protection can permanently maintain an obsolete product, an inferior process or a moribund organization against competitors which are based on scientifically improved products or methods  (Zati Quotes) When you are a member of an organization, life isn’t only about you. As part of a circle of people who depend on one another, you watch one another’s back and remain loyal to the concept of brotherhood  (Zati Quotes) It is not funny that a man should be killed, but it is sometimes funny that he should be killed for so little, and that his death should be the coin of what we call civilization  (Zati Quotes) The semimetaphysical problems of the individual and society, of egoism and altruism, of freedom and determinism, either disappear or remain in the form of different phases in the organization of a consciousness that is fundamentally social  (Zati Quotes) It’s one thing if everyone wears the same shoes or drinks the same soda. But the world of literature is the last place in which globalization should mean homogeneity  (Zati Quotes) This is ideological colonization. They colonize people with ideas that try to change mentalities or structures, but this is not new. This was done by the dictatorships of the last century  (Zati Quotes) I’m not exactly ambitious as much as I have a very good realization of what I am and what I am capable of  (Zati Quotes) For the first time in our history, every spectrum of black thought is in the same room on the same page with a cause bigger than our persons, bigger than our organizations, and the cause is to ease the suffering of the masses of our people  (Zati Quotes) The organization of supplies, the command of men, anything in any way constructive requires more than intellect; it requires energy and drive and an unrelenting will to serve the cause, regardless of one’s personal interests  (Zati Quotes) The disastrous feature of our civilization is that it is far more developed materially than spiritually. Its balance is disturbed  (Zati Quotes) We created a thing called culture and civilization, and now we’re about to lose it because we’re trying to destroy everything. And I kind of miss it. I miss culture and civilization  (Zati Quotes) If we want our civilization to survive, we have to watch for the extremes. We have to reclaim our morality, both individually and as the society. To protect ourselves from extremisms, we have to maintain moderation  (Zati Quotes) Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history; such is the history of civilization for thousands of years  (Zati Quotes) Despite all our gains in technology, product innovation and world markets, most people are not thriving in the organizations they work for  (Zati Quotes) For all of higher civilization’s recorded history, becoming a man was defined overwhelmingly as taking responsibility for a family  (Zati Quotes) I have seen the science I worshiped, and the aircraft I loved, destroying the civilization I expected them to serve  (Zati Quotes) It is because the body is a machine that education is possible. Education is the formation of habits, a superinducing of an artificial organization upon the natural organization of the body  (Zati Quotes) One hundred religious persons knit into a unity by careful organizations do not constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team. The first requisite is life, always  (Zati Quotes)
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