Zati Quotes

Text Quotes
We don’t have the family organization the way we used to. My father lives with us because we have the room. The greatest of all opportunities for our children is a complete family unit (Zati Quotes)
Standardization of our educational systems is apt to stamp out individualism and defeat the very ends of education by leveling the product down rather than up (Zati Quotes)
In our civilization, men are afraid that they will not be men enough and women are afraid that they might be considered only women (Zati Quotes)
Our government is ready to guarantee their investments for them, and then we will create tax incentives. We are interested in having all these things and with the privatization we also want to create more jobs and better conditions for the workers (Zati Quotes)
What affected me most profoundly was the realization that the sciences of cryptography and mathematics are very elegant, pure sciences. I found that the ends for which these pure sciences are used are less elegant (Zati Quotes)
By vulgarity I mean that vice of civilization which makes man ashamed of himself and his next of kin, and pretend to be somebody else (Zati Quotes)
And the camera position, the organization, looking for repeating forms, shapes, trying to set up a visual rhythm seemed to come very natural. All of a sudden I was in a forest of aluminum and steel rather than a forest that we might think of in a traditional sense (Zati Quotes)
I really believe that studying organization, even in the form of studying detective story organization, is very, very valuable for a playwright, a budding playwright (Zati Quotes)
As such people achieve influence within the organization, whenever there is a conflict between their own interest and the interest of the organization, their interests will win out (Zati Quotes)
Because the better an organization is at fulfilling its purpose, the more it attracts people who see the organization as an opportunity to advance themselves (Zati Quotes)
Military organization, like religious organization, can be seen as a paradigm of organization in general (Zati Quotes)
Of all human inventions the organization, a machine constructed of people performing interdependent functions, is the most powerful (Zati Quotes)
That the more authoritarian organizations survive and prevail goes generally unnoticed because people focus on the objectives of organizations, which are many and varied, rather than on their structures, which lend to be similar (Zati Quotes)
The ability to get ahead in an organization is simply another talent, like the ability to play chess, paint pictures, do coronary bypass operations or pick pockets (Zati Quotes)
This whole phenomenon of the diversion of organizations from their purposes and ideals does not seem very serious when the scum rise to the top in the bridge club or the offices of a small magazine publisher (Zati Quotes)
Feminists are in an untenable position, defending something they no longer believe in, and which history will force them to recognize was destructive of most of the central pillars of civilization. I’m just the first one to point it out publicly (Zati Quotes)
The question is not really about a shift to the economic cone where officers are writing about the balance of payments and the need for economic stabilization (Zati Quotes)
Although we dealt decisively with all terrorist organizations, we at the same time not only maintained, preserved our democracy, but kept improving it (Zati Quotes)
An office occupation is another example as not only douse it disrupt the activities of the organization it also can raise the media profile of the campaign (Zati Quotes)
Any outfit that has to beg its listeners for money is an organization that has to constantly please its listeners or it will dry up and go away. It shouldn’t work when you think about it (Zati Quotes)
This is an age of specialization, and in such an age the repertory theater is an anachronism, a ludicrous anachronism (Zati Quotes)
Moreover, all our knowledge of organic remains teaches us, that species have a definite existence, and a centralization in geological time as well as in geographical space, and that no species is repeated in time (Zati Quotes)
Today we know that centralization and big bureaucracies have not, as promised, been the answer for promoting better opportunities for society (Zati Quotes)
The globalization of the capital market is actually part of economic globalization. This will create a change in the entire world economy, not just restricted to some fields in some countries (Zati Quotes)
This is a basic requirement the meaning of globalization is that we should admit that the economy of each country is dependent on the economy of all the others (Zati Quotes)
Time made me change. I gradually woke up to the realization that this is who I am, an author, a public figure, and I couldn’t just hide in my study, tapping away at the keyboard and pretend that I didn’t have a role to play beyond stringing words together (Zati Quotes)
In the cold, shivering twilight, preceding the daybreak of civilization, the dominating emotion of man was fear (Zati Quotes)
In each colony in 1750 were to be found two sets of governing organizations, the local and the general (Zati Quotes)
If we cannot by reason, by influence, by example, by strenuous effort, and by personal sacrifice, mend the bad places of civilization, we certainly cannot do it by force (Zati Quotes)
This implies that the laws governing organic cohesion, the organization leading from the part to the whole, represent a biological uncertainty, indeed an uncertainty of the first order (Zati Quotes)