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Zati Quotes

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I call crystallization that action of the mind that discovers fresh perfections in its beloved at every turn of events  (Zati Quotes) If we don’t change, our species will not survive... Frankly, we may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse  (Zati Quotes) The oppression of a majority by a minority, and the demoralization inevitably resulting from it, is a phenomenon that has always occupied me and has done so most particularly of late  (Zati Quotes) … contempt for the degradation of specialization and pedantry. Specialization develops only part of a man; a man partially developed is deformed  (Zati Quotes) The realization that just as no action is really indifferent, so no utterance is without its responsibility introduces, it is true, a certain strenuosity into life  (Zati Quotes) To him boredom was a tragedy, for he had no more realization than if he had been an animal that any state he was in would ever come to an end  (Zati Quotes) Organizations get invested into a particular product. and sometimes the best thing is to stop making that product, even though it’s profitable, because it has optimized at a local peak  (Zati Quotes) When a system is in turbulence, the turbulence is not just out there in the environment, but is a part of the organization or organism that you are looking at  (Zati Quotes) Make no mistake: The organization of the working class must be both economic and political. The capitalist is organized upon both lines. You must attack him on both  (Zati Quotes) The more workers you have in your organization, the better you are implanted in the working class, the more likely you are to come up with the concrete problems of the class  (Zati Quotes) There are no conditions in which we subordinate the interests of the class as a whole to the interests of any sect, any chapel, any separate organization  (Zati Quotes) The speed of light does not merely transform the world. It becomes the world. Globalization is the speed of light  (Zati Quotes) I feel that the thing that probably aided me the most in that scene with the dog was the utilization and using an actual recreation, affective memory, if you want to call it, of pain  (Zati Quotes) I just want to say I owe the whole reds organization a great deal. Great staff top to bottom and I wish those guys all the best  (Zati Quotes) I think that if a person doesn’t feel cynical then they’re out of phase with the 20th century. Being cynical is the only way to deal with modern civilization, you can’t just swallow it whole  (Zati Quotes) The law of liberty tends to abolish the reign of race over race, of faith over faith, of class over class. It is not the realization of a political ideal; it is the discharge of a moral obligation  (Zati Quotes) Wherever man has left his footprint in the long ascent from barbarism to civilization we will find the hoofprint of the horse beside it  (Zati Quotes) If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization  (Zati Quotes) The goal of all civilization, all religious thought, and all that sort of thing is simply to have a good time. But man gets so solemn over the process that he forgets the end  (Zati Quotes) Government has never increased the standard of living of one single human being in civilization’s history. For some reason that simple truth has evaded everybody  (Zati Quotes) There can be no doubt that our descendants will learn to exploit the energy of fusion for peaceful purposes even before its use becomes necessary for the preservation of human civilization  (Zati Quotes) ... As the world rapidly becomes a civilization of machines, the masters of machines will increasingly be the ones in control of the world  (Zati Quotes) Our civilization is first and foremost a civilization of means; in the reality of modern life, the means, it would seem, are more important than the ends  (Zati Quotes) With men, we blame the victim. We blame men because we have camouflaged men’s victimization by teaching men to also be the victimizer. Men’s victimizer status camouflages men’s victim status  (Zati Quotes) Specialization makes the welfare of the society vulnerable to the market and to political forces beyond national control  (Zati Quotes) In many societies the domestic social costs of adjustment to changing patterns of comparative advantage are believed to outweigh the advantages of further trade liberalization  (Zati Quotes) In the future individualism ought to be the efficient utilization of the whole individual for the absolute benefit of a collectivity  (Zati Quotes) The rise of the welfare state, on the one hand, and of the military bureaucracy, on the other, are instances of the manner in which technology is enforcing a socialization of life  (Zati Quotes) There is in reality no such thing as modern art. Art is carried on up and down in immense cycles through centuries and civilizations  (Zati Quotes) One of the major barriers to productive thinking is the almost compulsive drive in most business organizations to be right  (Zati Quotes)
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