Zayn Malik Quotes

Text Quotes
I can’t swim but if my girlfriend was drowning, I’d still dive in to save her (Zayn Malik Quotes)
You can say whatever you want about me, I’m not really bothered. But when it starts to upset people I care about or I hear about it from my mum, then that’s a problem (Zayn Malik Quotes)
I just love comic books. I’ve always loved comic book art, and I just think it’s amazing (Zayn Malik Quotes)
Whenever anything went wrong at home, because I was the only boy, I would get blamed for it straight away. Girls stick together (Zayn Malik Quotes)
Get on in life because life will get on without you if you don’t keep up (Zayn Malik Quotes)
Never look back, reminising on yesterday, smile for the future, tomorrow’s a new day (Zayn Malik Quotes)
Live for who and what you love and never compromise your beliefs for anything or anyone (Zayn Malik Quotes)
Life is a funny thing, the minute you think you’ve got everything figured out something comes along and turns it all upside down (Zayn Malik Quotes)
Smile doesn’t mean that someone is happy. Sometimes it just means that you’re strong (Zayn Malik Quotes)
I would date a model, but I would rather marry a fan or a normal person (Zayn Malik Quotes)
If people talk behind your back, it’s because you’re ahead of them (Zayn Malik Quotes)
I don’t need the perfect one, I just need somebody who will make me feel like I’m the only one (Zayn Malik Quotes)
Two years ago, if anyone had told me I’d be doing half the stuff I’m doing, I wouldn’t have believed it (Zayn Malik Quotes)
I do feel like I’ve missed out a bit because I was really close with my sisters when I was at home. It must be weird for them but they cope really well (Zayn Malik Quotes)
In life we have decisions to make, paths to take and opportunities to take advantage of (Zayn Malik Quotes)
I thought I had a type but I don’t really have a type anymore. I just look for a girl who doesn’t take herself too seriously (Zayn Malik Quotes)
And remember, nobody’s feelings are more important than your own, so take time to love yourself (Zayn Malik Quotes)
Just because you don’t have a prince, doesn’t mean your not a princess (Zayn Malik Quotes)
There’s so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on (Zayn Malik Quotes)
There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world (Zayn Malik Quotes)
The person who will give you unexplained happiness, will also be the reason for your unexplained sadness (Zayn Malik Quotes)