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You can encounter the great life within you when you recover the zero point. When you encounter that great life, all limits created by the thoughts and emotions vanish and infinite creativity springs forth  (Zer Quotes) Ive zeroed in on what you would call action and excellence... Everybody who does anything to try to succeed has to give the best of themselves, and art has made me pull the best out of myself  (Zer Quotes) The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search the chance of success is zero  (Zer Quotes) The statistical probability that organic structures and the most precisely harmonized reactions that typify living organisms would be generated by accident, is zero  (Zer Quotes) It is unpleasant for the players, when the organizers arrange for play to take place in the morning. The games from such last rounds, in view of the large number of mistakes, are not fit for publication!  (Zer Quotes) The best way to become more creative is to create nothing. By this, I mean that you should return to zero point. Rid yourself of all the mental and emotional blocks that keep you from manifesting your full creative potential  (Zer Quotes) There is no option but to transform our world to a zero carbon future. We will fight to ensure that no one is left behind. This report breaks new ground and gives workers and businesses the confidence that there can be an economic plan which creates jobs and sets our planet on the course for survival  (Zer Quotes) Death is supposed to be the great equalizer, but that’s never true. Death is random, capricious, unconcerned, a flagrant player of favorites. It keeps its own counsel, so much the better to profoundly shock by its actions  (Zer Quotes) Manners are like zero in arithmetic. They may not be much in themselves, but they are capable of adding a great deal of value to everything else  (Zer Quotes) I used to play golf with a guy who cheated so badly that he once had a hole in one and wrote down zero on the scorecard  (Zer Quotes) I’m a point guard, so I want to see everybody else score and be happy. I don’t necessarily need to score at all. I could be happy with zero points as long as it was a team game and everybody contributed  (Zer Quotes) Inspiration pushes me out of my tight intellectual comfort zone and into humility, the wonderous state of not knowing. From this place of zero, limitless possibilities seem to arise  (Zer Quotes) Nothing is more detestable to the physical anthropologist than... the wretched habit of cremating the dead. It involves not only a prodigal waste of costly fuel and excellent fertilizer, but also the complete destruction of physical historical data. On the other hand, the custom of embalming and mummification is most praiseworthy and highly to be recommended  (Zer Quotes) It’s downright undignified how many blazers I’ve bought over the years. And will continue to buy. They immediately give shape and add authority. With the perfect blazer, anything is possible  (Zer Quotes) This is a basic problem, to feed 6.6 billion people. Without fertilizer, forget it. The game is over  (Zer Quotes) Our agricultural colleges continue to graduate specialists who become vocational agricultural teachers in the schools, and county agents, who go forth to extol the virtues of poison insecticides, herbicides, and commercial fertilizers  (Zer Quotes) Cows given genetically modified growth hormones make more milk, but have painful swollen udders, have ulcers, joint pain, miscarriages, deformed calves, infertility, and much shorter life spans. Their milk contains blood, pus, tranquilizers, antibiotics, and an insulin growth factor that can cause a fourfold increase in prostate cancer and sevenfold rise in breast cancer. This is the milk used in our school lunch programs and served to our children. This is the milk that you buy every day. This is the milk used in all cheeses, yogurts, butter, and cream  (Zer Quotes) Neighbors are far better acoustic analyzers for determining the quality of their life versus any acoustic instrument left unattended by an expert  (Zer Quotes) They would be the shepherds over us, their sheep. Certainly such an arrangement presupposes that they are naturally superior to the rest of us. And certainly we are fully justified in demanding from the legislators and organizers proof of this natural superiority  (Zer Quotes) Fat is merely stored energy. It is a physical state, nothing more and nothing less. It implies zero about your value as a person in this world  (Zer Quotes) I’ve never had any problems with women. Having been one of the world’s greatest womanizers they’ve probably had more problems with me  (Zer Quotes) I feel like I had zero control over getting cancer, but I have 100 percent control over how I will respond to dealing with cancer  (Zer Quotes) Seriously, if someone don’t like this appetizer, you gotta grab they scruffy ass by the back of their neck and throw them out on the lawn. I can’t help people like that  (Zer Quotes) Reading is the basic springboard for learning. And books provide the liftoff. They are the great equalizer, opening up new worlds to everyone  (Zer Quotes) Possessing things is not that interesting. Living in a grand environment to show myself and others that I have wealth has zero appeal  (Zer Quotes) I’m a normal sized girl. I’m not a size double zero; I don’t weigh 90 pounds. I’m a healthy girl  (Zer Quotes) What is dangerous about tranquillizers is that whatever peace of mind they bring is a packaged peace of mind. Where you buy a pill and buy peace of mind with it, you get conditioned to cheap solutions instead of deep ones  (Zer Quotes) I think jeans have gotten away from the original meaning, that symbol of freedom; they’ve gone gimmicky and turned into a status item. Our denim is offered at lower price points for that reason. As far as the men’s clothing in the collection, it’s basically my wardrobe. I think men’s clothes should be grounded, strong and classic. I like simple: a blazer, jeans, a low cut tee and maybe a silk scarf  (Zer Quotes) It’s all about sound. It’s that simple. Wireless is wireless, and it’s digital. Hopefully somewhere along the line somebody will add more ones to the zeros. When digital first started, I swear I could hear the gap between the ones and the zeros  (Zer Quotes) This drink has a magical power. It strengthens the weak, and revives those who have fainted. Those tired after work and physical activity can return their life forces by this drink much sooner than by nourishment... It works as a diuretic, an appetizer, an antitoxin  (Zer Quotes)
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