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Zoomed Quotes

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I zoomed in on the shoe department like a blonde homing pigeon. Shoes, shoes everywhere! Ah, sweet shoes. I truly think you can take the measure of a civilization by looking at its footwear  (Zoomed Quotes) They asked me to write it and zoomed me over there to do it. But they ended up sacking me  (Zoomed Quotes) In the next shot the cameras zoomed to the fiancee who noticed the lights in the Czarina’s room go out and the camera then turned to the pond where two goldfish were making love  (Zoomed Quotes) In the next shot the cameras zoomed to the fiancee who noticed the lights in the Czarina’s room go out and the camera then turned to the pond where two goldfish were making love.  (Zoomed Quotes) I’ve always zoomed through life in a vain attempt to keep up with my sprinting brain. If I have to choose between doing something quickly and doing it right, I often select the speedier option.  (Zoomed Quotes)