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Zooming Quotes

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With mental illness the trick is to not take your feelings so seriously; you’re zooming in and zooming away from things that go from being too important to being not important at all  (Zooming Quotes) I never really worried about those hurdles. They were just standing there, and I was always zooming past them just to get back on the ground again  (Zooming Quotes) Perhaps if human desire is said out loud, the urban planes, the prisons, the architectural mirrors will take off, as airplanes do. The black planes will take off into the night air and the night winds, sliding past and behind each other, zooming, turning and turning in the redness of the winds, living, never to return  (Zooming Quotes) Rowing is an absurdly simple sport. I can easily guide a beginner throught the right technical motions. The difficulty arises when the beginner attempts to repeat those motions on a bumpy race course, at 40 strokes a minute, with his heart rate zooming, and an opponent charging up his stern  (Zooming Quotes) Boredom is like a pitiless zooming in on the epidermis of time. Every instant is dilated and magnified like the pores of the face  (Zooming Quotes) You can do really slow movements with it, like zooming in for a minute and a half. The audience isn’t aware that the camera has moved, but there’s subconscious tension there  (Zooming Quotes) You do get scrutinized in the digital age. You know they’re zooming in on every pore, which you’ve got to forget about  (Zooming Quotes) Yeah, right. Instead of watching TV, we’ll practice our weird magical powers. Great. What’s next? Zooming around on flying carpets?  (Zooming Quotes)