Funny Exercise Quotes
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Text Quotes
If your dog is fat, you're not getting enough exercise (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Exercise. Some motivation required (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Suck It Up & One Day You Won't Have to Suck It In (Funny Exercise Quotes)
After the gym. Other girls. Me (Funny Exercise Quotes)
What?? I want sexy abs for summer (Funny Exercise Quotes)
When my cat trains harder than me (Funny Exercise Quotes)
The last time I exercised was: never (Funny Exercise Quotes)
After working out for 10 minutes... I’m pretty tired, I think I’ll go home now, (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Exercise?! (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Didn’t go to the gym today, but.... the cashier’s name at McDonalds was Jim. Sooo, same thing (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Yeah, I’m into fitness. Fitness whole pizza in my mouth (Funny Exercise Quotes)
If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all (Funny Exercise Quotes)
I am currently training to be your hottest ex girlfriend (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Dear fat, prepare to die. Sincerely, me (Funny Exercise Quotes)
I’m about to create my own pose - the dyin’ fat man (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Exercise. Do it in the morning before your brain figures out what you’re doing (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Sweat is just fat crying (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Me doing pushups (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Forgot to post on Facebook that I was going to the gym. Now the whole workout is worthless (Funny Exercise Quotes)
If I pass out, please note my time (Funny Exercise Quotes)
The problem is that obesity runs in our family. No, the problem is that no one runs in your family! (Funny Exercise Quotes)
My exercise routine consists of doing diddy squats (Funny Exercise Quotes)
The only thing that I exercise is my right to be out of shape (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Sex without love is merely healthy exercise (Funny Exercise Quotes)
I'm in shape. Unfortunately, its the wrong one (Funny Exercise Quotes)
Whenever I feel like exercise, I lie down until the feeling passes (Funny Exercise Quotes)
I’ve been hiding from exercise. I’m in the Fitness Protection Program (Funny Exercise Quotes)
My idea of exercise is a good brisk sit (Funny Exercise Quotes)
I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing (Funny Exercise Quotes)
I can't wait until I can use the heat as an excuse not to get any exercise (Funny Exercise Quotes)
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