Precept Quotes
Text Quotes
Teaching by precept, without example, is mighty poor teaching (Precept Quotes)
The path of precept is long, that of example short and effectual (Precept Quotes)
Example is always more efficacious than precept (Precept Quotes)
Example is better than precept (Precept Quotes)
Practice the precept: find without seeking (Precept Quotes)
The road to learning by precept is long, but by example short and effective (Precept Quotes)
In almost everything, experience is more valuable than precept (Precept Quotes)
No evangelical precept jostles out that of a lawful self-preservation (Precept Quotes)
Example is the best precept (Precept Quotes)
Brotherhood is an ideal better understood by example than precept! (Precept Quotes)
There is no moral precept that does not have something inconvenient about it (Precept Quotes)
Precept upon precept; line upon line: here a little, and there a little (Precept Quotes)
Examples draw where precept fails, and sermons are less read than tales (Precept Quotes)
Example is more powerful than precept (Precept Quotes)
Example, not precept, is the best teaching aid (Precept Quotes)
Everywhere he found his precept checkmated by his example (Precept Quotes)
Every religion lies. Every moral precept is a delusion. Even the stars are a mirage. The truth is darkness, and the only thing that matters is making a statement before one enters it. Cutting the skin of the world and leaving a scar. That’s all history is, after all: scar tissue (Precept Quotes)
The first principle from which stems the moral of about all people at all time; it is summarized in this precept: Love thy neighbour as thyself, and: do as you would be done by (Precept Quotes)
They won’t be required to sacrifice anything in order to belong to your assembly. A religion that is all sweetness, but no light; all form, but no substance; all tradition, but no precept (Precept Quotes)
Examples is more forcible than precept. People look at my six days in the week to see what I mean on the seventh (Precept Quotes)
In ancient days, the most celebrated precept was, know thyself; in modern times it has been supplanted by the more fashionable maxim, know thy neighbor, and everything about him (Precept Quotes)
That the foundation of our national policy should be laid in private morality. If individuals be not influenced by moral principles, it is in vain to look for public virtue; it is, therefore, the duty of legislators to enforce, both by precept and example, the utility, as well as the necessity, of a strict adherence to the rules of distributive justice (Precept Quotes)
Once for all, then, a short precept is given thee: Love, and do what thou wilt: whether thou hold thy peace, through love hold thy peace; whether thou cry out, through love cry out; whether thou correct, through love correct; whether thou spare, through love do thou spare: let the root of love be within, of this root can nothing spring but what is good (Precept Quotes)
As the war was just in its origin and necessary and noble in its objects, we can reflect with a proud satisfaction that in carrying it on no principle of justice or honor, no usage of civilized nations, no precept of courtesy or humanity, have been infringed (Precept Quotes)
Being satisfied with little, you can gain much. Seeking much you will go astray. The wise heeds this precept. If it could be so with all people! (Precept Quotes)
The genius of poetry must work out its own salvation in a man; it cannot be matured by law and precept, but by sensation and watchfulness in itself. That which is creative must create itself (Precept Quotes)
It is by imitation, far more than by precept, that we learn everything; and what we learn thus, we acquire not only more effectually, but more pleasantly (Precept Quotes)
Precept and example, like the blades of a pair of scissors, are admirably adapted to their end when conjoined; separated, they lose the greater portion of their utility (Precept Quotes)
Charming women can true converts make; we love the precept for the teacher’s sake (Precept Quotes)
I cannot remember a time when the Golden Rule was not my motto and precept, the torch that guided my footsteps. (Precept Quotes)