Robert Graves Quotes

Text Quotes
There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money, either (Robert Graves Quotes)
Take courage, lover! Could you endure such pain at any hand but hers? (Robert Graves Quotes)
Genius not only diagnoses the situation but supplies the answers (Robert Graves Quotes)
I was last in Rome in AD 540 when it was full of Goths and their heavy horses. It has changed a great deal since then. (Robert Graves Quotes)
Let Cupid smile and the fiend must flee; Hey and hither, my lad (Robert Graves Quotes)
Love is a universal migraine. A bright stain on the vision Blotting out reason (Robert Graves Quotes)
The thundering text, the snivelling commentary (Robert Graves Quotes)
As for the Freudian, it is a very low, central European sort of humour (Robert Graves Quotes)
Let all the poison that lurks in the mud, hatch out (Robert Graves Quotes)
There is one story and one story only (Robert Graves Quotes)
There is no such thing as good writing, only good rewriting (Robert Graves Quotes)
A perfect poem is impossible. Once it had been written, the world would end (Robert Graves Quotes)
Love at first sight’some say misnaming Discovery of twinned helplessness Against the huge tug of procreation. But friendship at first sight? This also Catches fiercely at the surprised heart So that the cheek blanches then blushes (Robert Graves Quotes)
The butterfly, a cabbage-white, (His honest idiocy of flight) will never now, it is too late, master the art of flying straight (Robert Graves Quotes)
A banker warned the British poet Robert Graves that one could not grow rich writing poetry. He replied that if there was no money in poetry, there was certainly no poetry in money, and so it was all even (Robert Graves Quotes)
Before an attack, the platoon pools all its available cash and the survivors divide it up afterwards. Those who are killed can’t complain, the wounded would have given far more than that to escape as they have, and the unwounded regard the money as a consolation prize for still being here. (Robert Graves Quotes)
Well, we’ve been lucky devils both And there is no need for a pledge or oath To bind our lovely friendship fast, By firmer stuff Close bound enough. (Robert Graves Quotes)
A perfect poem is impossible. Once it had been written, the world would end. Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal (Robert Graves Quotes)
In love as in sport, the amateur status must be strictly maintained (Robert Graves Quotes)
Marriage, like money, is still with us; and, like money, progressively devalued (Robert Graves Quotes)
I do not love the Sabbath, The soapsuds and the starch, The troops of solemn people Who to Salvation march. I take my book, I take my stick On the Sabbath day, In woody nooks and valleys I hide myself away. To ponder there in quiet God’s Universal Plan, Resolved that church and Sabbath Were never made for man (Robert Graves Quotes)
Prose books are the show dogs I breed and sell to support my cat (Robert Graves Quotes)
To be a poet is a condition rather than a profession (Robert Graves Quotes)
Through the window I can see Rooks above the cherry-tree, Sparrows in the violet bed, Bramble-bush and bumble-bee, And old red bracken smoulders still Among boulders on the hill, Far too bright to seem quite dead. But old Death, who can’t forget, Waits his time and watches yet, Waits and watches by the door (Robert Graves Quotes)
The difference between you and her (whom I to you did once prefer) Is clear enough to settle: She like a diamond shone, but you Shine like an early drop of dew Poised on a red rose petal. The dew-drop carries in its eye Mountain and forest, sea and sky, With every change of weather; Contrariwise, a diamond splits The prospect into idle bits That none can piece together (Robert Graves Quotes)
Tell me, my witless, whose one boast could be your staunchness at the post, when were you made a man of parts to think fine and profess the arts? (Robert Graves Quotes)
And what of home - how goes it, boys, while we die here in stench and noise? (Robert Graves Quotes)
Kill if you must, but never hate: man is but grass and hate is blight, the sun will scorch you soon or late, die wholesome then, since you must fight (Robert Graves Quotes)
Hate is a fear, and fear is rot that cankers root and fruit alike, fight cleanly then, hate not, fear not, strike with no madness when you strike (Robert Graves Quotes)
Love, fear and hate and childish toys are here discreetly blent; admire, you ladies, read, you boys, my country sentiment (Robert Graves Quotes)