Texting Quotes

Text Quotes
Why you no text me today? (Texting Quotes)
When I text you, it means I miss you. When I don't text you, it means i'm waiting for you to miss me (Texting Quotes)
When I'm drunk on my cell phone. You get a text! You get a text! You get a text! Everyone gets a text! (Texting Quotes)
Nobody texts faster than a pissed off female (Texting Quotes)
I didn’t text you - tequila did (Texting Quotes)
Putting your phone away and paying attention to those talking to you? There's an App for that, it's called respect (Texting Quotes)
Never trust someone who takes hours to text you back, but when you're with them they always have their phones in their hands (Texting Quotes)
Dear cellphone companies, please make an 'Unsend my text' option (Texting Quotes)
I smile whenever I get a message from you (Texting Quotes)
If you get a "Happy 3 Day Anniversary" text run. Just run (Texting Quotes)
These kids today with their texting and murder (Texting Quotes)
Slow children texting. Next generation (Texting Quotes)
Sending risky texts and then throwing your phone away from you (Texting Quotes)
I miss those late night calls and good morning texts (Texting Quotes)
When your friend takes your phone and threatens to text your crush (Texting Quotes)
That half hour you spend trying to perfectly word your text (Texting Quotes)
Admit it; you're scared to text him because you feel like you're annoying him (Texting Quotes)
I want a guy who saves my texts just to look at them when he misses me (Texting Quotes)
My day isn't complete without hearing your voice or getting a text from you (Texting Quotes)
Not knowing what to text back, but not wanting the conversation to end (Texting Quotes)
You know you love someone when you save their texts and re-read them when no one is watching (Texting Quotes)
Why won't she text me back, I sent her a smiley face and everything (Texting Quotes)
Hold on officer, let me finish this text I was sending (Texting Quotes)
Why didn’t you text back earlier. Sorry I didn’t get your text (Texting Quotes)
Don't text me, 'I'm bored' its not my job to entertain you (Texting Quotes)
I don't like texting people all day. Unless it's you (Texting Quotes)
Roses are red, I have a phone, Nobody texts me, I am alone (Texting Quotes)
Typing a huge paragraph with your true feelings, but then erasing it and typing 'yeah.' (Texting Quotes)
Shout out to the girls waiting up for that goodnight text (Texting Quotes)
I can't even imagine what people did at red lights before cellphones (Texting Quotes)