Weight Lifting Quotes
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Text Quotes
Do you even lift? (Weight Lifting Quotes)
It's time for happy hour at my favorite bar (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Everyday is upper body day (Weight Lifting Quotes)
When nothing goes right, go lift (Weight Lifting Quotes)
When people said "We never want to look like you" Arnold replied "Don't worry, you never will" (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Tomorrow I will lift harder than yesterday (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Instead of focusing on the weight of your body going down, focus on the weight of your dumbbells going up (Weight Lifting Quotes)
I hate rest day (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Weights before dates (Weight Lifting Quotes)
When life gets complicated I lift (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Because. Weights (Weight Lifting Quotes)
I lift quite heavy weights, but unfortunately no one believes me (Weight Lifting Quotes)
It's not about how much you can lift. It's about giving your maximum every single day (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Dewd! Spot meh! (Weight Lifting Quotes)
My quiet time involves heavy metal (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Life is too short to be small (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Preschool seems more "hardcore" than I remember (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Most people will go their whole lives and never understand this feeling (Weight Lifting Quotes)
I love lifting this much (Weight Lifting Quotes)
I look good in muscles (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Your daughter or son doesn't care how much you can lift. They only care that you can lift them (Weight Lifting Quotes)
It wasn’t until ‘Thor’ that I started lifting weights. It was all pretty new to me (Weight Lifting Quotes)
I tend to do something for two years then move on to something new. Yoga, then biking, then weight lifting, then back to biking. The moment it feels like a rut, I switch and search for a new love. It’s like having a midlife crisis, but without the new wife or cheesy BMW (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Think of aerobics plus weight lifting minus the music or camaraderie. Combine unalloyed endurance with straightforward strength and demand poise, timing, and practiced form as well. Think of pure pain: that’s the ergometer (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Weight lifting is the easiest part of my day (Weight Lifting Quotes)
I drink a lot of protein shakes and do a lot of weight lifting (Weight Lifting Quotes)
I’m not a weight lifter. I’m a seeker. Weight lifting is so insignificant in my life (Weight Lifting Quotes)
I run in the morning, lift weights in the afternoon, basketball training at night, and then lift weights again at night (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Some people are born to lift heavy weights, some are born to juggle golden balls (Weight Lifting Quotes)
Well, you have your regular classes, like three hours every other day, three times a week. You get twice a week to have an ice practice. Once a week you have weight lifting. It was great (Weight Lifting Quotes)
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